We’ve introduced an area planning calendar for local organizations

For the past few years, the number and variety of events, performances, and activities offered in the Greensboro area during June, July and August has been increasing.   The GA becomes aware of conflicting events when we assemble the Green Sheet calendar, usually in May – too late to re-schedule to avoid conflicts for the organisations in question.   And so, we have decided to offer an online Greensboro planning calendar as one way of assisting local organisations plan successfully for the summer season.   This calendar will allow members to see when various organisations have planned activities for this summer.

If you have interest in adding events to the planning calendar, please email [email protected].

If the planning calendar is successful, we will continue it throughout the year.

Town Meeting will be Tuesday, March 3

The Town of Greensboro has published FY16-Warning for Town Meeting on Tuesday, March 3, 2015.     Voters must register to vote by February 25.   All Greensboro residents and non-resident property owners are welcome at the meeting.

For information on the items to be discussed at Town meeting, the following documents are available at the Town website.     Town Report for 2014,  Agencies-Requesting-Town-Funds-2014-15 and the Checklist for 2/26/2015.

Additionally, a proposed Noise Ordinance will be discussed, as well as a motion to sell the Old Firehouse in the Village.

Comments on any aspect of the meeting may be left as a reply to this article.

“Town Meeting Day marks a special event in which residents meet in about 40 towns across Vermont. They discuss the business of their town and any issue is open to debate. They also elect local officials, approve a budget for the following year, and conduct other local business. It is a time for neighbors to discuss the civic issues of their community, state, and nation.

Vermont town meetings (with one exception) are the practice of direct democracy. That is, eligible citizens of the town may vote on specific issues that are announced through a warning. The town meeting warning tells people when and where town meeting will be held, and it lists all of the articles (topics) that are going to be discussed and voted on at the meeting. The warning must be posted at least 30 days before the meeting.”  See here for more information.