Important Information about the Mirror Theater Site Visit on Saturday, November 21


The site visit by the Greensboro Development Review Board for the amended conditional use application for the theater project will take place this Saturday, November 21 at 11:00 AM. The amended application and models of the proposed construction are available for review at the Greensboro Town Hall or on the town website at

We have been asked to provide the following important information about this Saturday’s visit.

  1. For safety reasons, no vehicles will be allowed within the project site.
  1. The fire department has asked that no cars be parked in their lot or on their property. Please park at the ball field or along Hardwick Street.
  1. There will be no active construction activities on Saturday. Hard hats will not be required.  Footwear, however, should be appropriate for a construction site where uneven ground is possible.
  1. Although the site won’t be active on Saturday, this is an ongoing construction area. Engelberth Construction will mark off a path along the current driveway and back around the theater building for participants to use during the visit.  For safety reasons, nobody should stray from the marked pathway.

Our Communication Approach

The Association’s communications approach strives to keep our members informed and facilitate a constructive dialog on important issues.

While I am confident that all our residents want what is best for Greensboro, as with every community, there are diverse views on what “best” looks like. Recent developments for the Circus Camp and now plans for the theater represent major changes and have polarized residents. How will the Greensboro change with these projects? What will the impact be to our town services and tax burdens? Are these projects sustainable in the long term? Will these initiatives enhance or detract from what we value most about Greensboro? Naturally these questions are legitimate and should be considered by the community.

Our Association stands for the  principles embodied in our mission which has evolved its initial primary focus on lake environmental protection to a broader focus on both the lake and the Greensboro community.

Our mission is to conceive, advance, and support village initiatives and organizations that enhance our community and to protect Caspian Lake and its surrounding environment for both full and part-time residents of the town of Greensboro.

The Greensboro Association Board of Trustees agreed an approach and policies for communications using a range of channels, including letters, emails, website updates (articles and blog ‘news’ posts) and social media posts (primarily Facebook Page and Group). We seek to stay relevant and true to our mission, while recognizing the diversity of views within our membership. We determined that our role is to foster awareness and facilitate conversation.

So what is our communications approach? Our aim is to facilitate understanding and awareness and provide members with a forum for discussion.

  • We are an entirely a volunteer team and not a professional news organization, but we strive to communicate and share news items that are of interest to our members.
  • We seek to avoid expressing a particular opinion on these matters unless expressly agreed by the board and consistent with our mission and role in the community. We recognize that our board, like the community, represent different points of view on what is best for Greensboro.
  • We encourage constructive dialog and discussion via blog comments and on social media (primarily the Facebook Group).
  • As is typical of most discussion forums, we review blog comments before they are published. Our goal is to publish all comments made by our members, but we reserve the right to not publish a comment that we perceive as inappropriate. A comment is inappropriate if it includes a personal attack or insult or uses inappropriate language.
  • The comments made on blog articles / posts that are published on the website or on social media do not represent the views of the Association. These comments represent the view of the individual commenter.


Please share feedback on our approach and policies. You can comment here on this post and you can reach out to me directly or any member of our Communications Committee with your views.



Subscribe to The Hardwick Gazette

Are you eager to keep up with events and news in the greater Hardwick area, including Greensboro? Subscribe to The Hardwick Gazette to get the full picture. In-state subscriptions are only $35 per year.   Out-of-state rates are only $38/year. Contact them at (802) 472-6521 for details.

Act 46 and Greensboro

Representatives from the Lakeview Union School Board and the Greensboro School Board are participating in an Orleans Southwest Supervisory Union Act 46 discussion group. The two school boards will host the first forum about Act 46 and its implications for the Greensboro community on Thursday, December 10 at Lakeview School.   Representatives from the Orleans Southwest Supervisory Union (OSSU) office will also be present to facilitate an open discussion about the law, which will have implications for all Greensboro residents and taxpayers.   This event will be the first of several community-wide opportunities to help determine the path forward for Greensboro. We will be sending out more information about the event and the next steps for Greensboro as the process unfolds for our town.

Greensboro Development Review Board to Consider Amended Conditional Use Application by Greensboro Area Arts Alliance

The Greensboro Development Review Board will review an amended conditional use application by the Greensboro Area Arts Alliance, now known as the Greensboro Performing Arts Center Trust, on November 30, 2015 at 7:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall of the Greensboro United Church. The amended application is available for review at the Greensboro Town Hall or on the town website at A site visit will take place on Saturday, November 21, 2015 at 11:00 AM.

Please note that participation in the proceeding on November 30, either in person or in writing, is a prerequisite to the right to make any subsequent appeal to these amendments.

Both the hearing and the site visit are open to the public. Interested persons unable to attend the hearing in person may send a letter to the Development Review Board at the Greensboro Town Clerk’s Office or email ([email protected]).

Photos of the architectural models of the current building design are below. These models are available for viewing at the Greensboro Town Hall during business hours.






Construction Update for The Mirror Theater

Construction of The Mirror Theater is on schedule for completion in early 2017. Foundation work, including footings and foundation walls, is under way. Construction of the waste water system remains ongoing. The water line is complete and repairs to Hardwick Street following blasting and excavation have been finished well in advance of the winter driving season.

Below is a photo taken from the Center Road slightly above the construction site.


Giving Closet Re-opens


After a brief hiatus this fall, Greensboro’s Giving Closet re-opened this November.   While closed, the Closet underwent a full cleaning and light refurbishment with a fresh coat of paint and some reorganization.

Giving Closet hours are fully dependent upon volunteer staffing. The Giving Closet is currently only staffed on Wednesdays. Without a volunteer present to accept donations or assist visitors, the Closet will not be open. If you are interested in donating your time to this important community resource, please visit the Town Hall to sign up.

If you are interested in donating items to the Closet, please only do so when a volunteer is available to receive your goods. If the item you wish to pass on to a new owner is torn, stained, or broken, please dispose of it properly in the trash.