Town of Greensboro Website Survey – please give your input!

The Town of Greensboro Website Task Force is conducting a survey of the Town website, and has asked the Greensboro Association to get the word out!

From the Town of Greensboro Website Task Force. In May, the Selectboard approved the formation of a Task Force to examine how the Town’s website currently serves the community and how it may be improved to better serve the community in the future. To engage the community in this effort, the Task Force has developed a short (5 question) survey which we will be promoting through various channels over the next two weeks. We hope to encourage participation from a broad cross-section of folks, whether they live in, work in or visit Greensboro, which we will track through two qualifying questions at the start of the anonymous survey. We estimate the survey will take less than ten minutes to complete. The deadline for completing the survey is Jul 30th, 2021.
The goal of the survey is to complement the research and analysis of municipal websites carried out by the Task Force, identifying priority areas for improvement in both content and user experience. A summary of the survey results and Task Force recommendations will be presented to the Selectboard in August.

Your engagement, reflection, and sharing in this website initiative is greatly appreciated!

Note: If you are using a smart phone to complete this survey, you may wish to rotate your phone to “landscape” view in order to limit any necessary scrolling to vertical only. 🙂

CLICK HERE to begin the survey
THANK YOU! Greensboro Website Task Force co-chairs:Michael Porazzo, Liz Steel, John Stone III

Notice of 2021 Annual Meeting of the Greensboro Association

The 2021 Annual Meeting of the Greensboro Association will be held on Thursday, August 5th at 4:00pm in Fellowship Hall at the United Church of Christ in Greensboro, VT.  All members of the Association are invited and encouraged to attend.   

The Agenda for the meeting will be distributed prior to the meeting.  At the meeting, our membership will be asked to vote on the election of the new class of trustees, the approval of the minutes of the 2020 Annual Meeting (which was a virtual meeting, held online via Zoom) and the approval of an updated set of bylaws for the Association that have been prepared by our Governance Committee. 

The minutes of the 2020 Annual Meeting are available here. 

A summary of the proposed major changes to be made by the new bylaws is available here. 

The proposed new set of bylaws for the Association is available here.

The proposed new slate of trustees will be distributed prior to the meeting.

We hope you will be able to attend and hear about the great work of the GA over the unusual and difficult past 12 months.

Vince Cubbage

President, the Greensboro Association

[email protected]