Seventy-Five Willow Trees Planted
Volunteers from the Greensboro Association and the Greensboro Conservation Commission planted 75 Willow trees on Saturday, November 9th in East Hardwick and Greensboro Bend as part of the Stream Wise program. The trees were purchased with funding provided by the Greensboro Association.
Thanks to property owners Meredith Holch, Cindy Dailey and Pierrette Lyman for their participation and stewardship and also to Smith’s Grocery in Greensboro Bend for providing lunch to the volunteer team!
Stream Wise engages streamside property owners to help them enhance and protect vegetated stream buffers, increasing flood resiliency and benefiting water quality and natural habitat.
For more information please go to https://streamwisechamplain. org/ or contact Jed Feffer at [email protected] or Chris Steel at