In support of this mission, the Greensboro Association’s Grants Committee encourages grant requests in two basic categories:
(1) Specific initiatives or project grants. Applicants in this category should demonstrate the reason for, design of, and potential benefits to the Greensboro community resulting from the initiative or project.
(2) General or operating grants for valuable ongoing services to the Greensboro community. Applicants in this category should provide an encapsulated description of the overall nature of the ongoing services at the time of the application, and provide an explanation of how these services are funded. (NOTE: New applicants/entities who have not received GA grants before are only eligible to apply for initiative/project grants.)
Eligible applicants include 501(c)3 organizations, municipal committees, and companies or individuals with a demonstrated commitment to serving the Greensboro community. Ad-hoc community group applications will be considered with fiscal sponsorship from a 501(c)3 or municipality. All applicants must have a valid bank account and be in good standing with both the Greensboro Association and the IRS.
Standard award amounts typically range from $500 – $3,000. For larger request amounts, the Grants Committee will take into special consideration applicants that demonstrate matching funding has been obtained or is being sought.
Applications must be received by March 15, 2025. Awarded applicants will be announced in May. Funds will be distributed as quickly as possible.
Please contact Grants@GreensboroAssociation.
Grants Committee Members:
Natasha Bali
Cathy Donnelly
Karen Gowen (co-chair)
Marty Mcdonald
Mike Metcalf
Mary Meyer
Julie Porrazzo (co-chair)
Jan Terwiesch
Sam Young