Special Select Board Meeting announced regarding Caspian Lake Public Beach
There will be a special select board meeting on Monday, December 17 at 7pm on the Fellowship Hall at GUCC regarding the Caspian Lake Beach. The purpose of the meeting is to inform the public of the facts (right now there is a lot of misinformation floating around) and to hear what the public has to say – concerns, new ideas, etc. This is considered an informational meeting.
The GA has also formed a Public Beach Advisory Committee, chaired by Andy Dales. This committee is considering the Public Beach issue from all sides, and welcomes input from any GA members. Comments may be sent privately to [email protected] or posted here. Many thanks for the comments we have already received.
Without a source of income to help defray maintenance costs (ramp, beach, parking lot, dam, levee, grassy area, etc) and to service debt on the investment, private ownership is not feasible.