Proposed Amendments to the GA Articles of Association and Bylaws
The Association’s Articles of Association were adopted in 1934 and have never been amended, and the Association’s By-Laws were last amended in 2003. In the course of reviewing the Association’s documents for tax-exempt 501(c)(3) purposes, an “ad hoc” committee has also proposed changes to adapt the provisions to current practices. Attorneys Day Patterson and Bob Fairbanks drafted the changes based upon the advice of experienced volunteers Andy Dales, Rick Lovett, Clive Gray, Mike Cassidy and Clay Simpson (chair). The Board will review and vote on the amendments next week, and in accordance with the current bylaws we will ask the Association members attending the annual meeting on August 9th to vote to accept the amendments.
1. Proposed new Articles of Association
3. Bylaw amendments – Mark-up with highlights
4. A Memorandum from Attorney Day Patterson to the Board and Membership Explaining the Changes
Please pass this along.
Where in the ByLaws is there authorization to approve the Budget. The Board has the authority now, but I don’t find that authorization in the new ByLaws. Thanks!