Orleans County Conservation District invites you to a Community Meeting on February 10

The Orleans County Conservation District Vermont invites you to a Community Meeting at Irasburg Town Hall on Feb 10th. There will be short presentations on Memphremagog and Champlain watershed water quality, forests and agriculture and a discussion on natural resource priorities, needs, gaps and future solutions. To find out more and RSVP follow the link below.


There is also an opportunity to have your voice heard by responding to this survey in advance of the meeting with a chance to win a $50 gift card to the annual Orleans County plant sale.


Ban Wake Boats and Wake Sports on Caspian Lake: Hearing on December 12

The public meeting for the Caspian petition to ban wake boats and wake sports will be held on December 12th.  The Caspian team will present a summary of its petition and will have time to present supporting evidence.  The evidence that we provide in this step in the process will determine whether Caspian will be included in the next step of rule-making.


1) write a letter (see instructions below) in support of the ban on Caspian.  We collected over 1200 signatures that were submitted along with the petition and we need to prove that this support is still relevant.  Make your letter personal, how would wake boat use on Caspian impact your use of the Lake, your safety, and your ability to enjoy the quiet Lake culture.

2). attend the meeting to show support for the Caspian ban. You can sign up to speak at the link below.

3). Spread the word and encourage your friends to submit letters or attend in person or via zoom.

WHAT: Public Meeting to receive comment on three petitions proposing amendments for lake-specific changes to the Use of Public Waters Rules governing wakesports on Waterbury Reservoir, Lake Fairlee, and Caspian Lake.

WHERE:  National Life Dewey Conference Room, 3 National Life Dr., Montpelier, VT, 05620 (in person)

OR online via Microsoft Teams, using the link at the meeting time: Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 268 492 569 354  Passcode: EExYY3

OR: Dial in by phone

+1 802-828-7667,,607382336#

WHEN:  December 12, 2024 from 4:30pm to 7:00pm

To submit a comment:

Written and verbal comments will be accepted.

  • Please submit written comments to [email protected] . Public comments will be accepted until 4:30 p.m. on December 23rd. IMPORTANT: when submitting a public comment, please include the word “wakesports” in the subject line AND the specific petition (lake) for which you are providing a comment.
  • Registration to provide verbal comments at the public meeting will be available here two weeks prior to the meeting

Equal weight is given to comments that are made in person, virtually, or in writing.


2024 Community Impact Report: Celebrating 90 Years of Collective Action

As we look back on this year’s events and activities, we are deeply appreciative of our members’ collective impact throughout the greater Greensboro community. Your ideas, connections, time, and donations make a big difference in the lives of many. Last winter, in recognition of the GA’s 90 years, the Board engaged in a strategic review of priorities and updated our Mission and Vision statements to guide our commitment to this community as we approach our century mark.

Together, we are finding creative ways to celebrate the arts and culture, steward our lakes and natural environment, strengthen emergency and medical services, address unmet needs and food security, and enhance educational and recreation opportunities for all. We value our relationships with our neighbors and are inspired by all that our partnerships make possible – whether responding quickly to disasters or investing in long-range plans. This report includes a sampling of some of the initiatives the GA membership has helped make possible this past year.

If you are able, we hope you will consider a year-end gift to the Fund for Greensboro (FFG) in your annual giving or estate plans. Gifts of any amount to the Unrestricted, Lake Reserve or Endowment Fund will help advance our mission of connecting and enhancing our greater Greensboro community, protecting our lakes and environment, and supporting a vibrant local economy now and for years to come. Donate here.

We welcome your energy, interests, and perspectives on any of our committees or working groups. Thank you for joining us,

Naomi Ranz-Schleifer, President and Cathy Irwin, FFG Chair

Click here to read the full report.


Seventy-Five Willow Trees Planted

Volunteers from the Greensboro Association and the Greensboro Conservation Commission planted 75 Willow trees on Saturday, November 9th in East Hardwick and Greensboro Bend as part of the Stream Wise program.  The trees were purchased with funding provided by the Greensboro Association.
Thanks to property owners Meredith Holch, Cindy Dailey and Pierrette Lyman for their participation and stewardship and also to Smith’s Grocery in Greensboro Bend for providing lunch to the volunteer team!
Stream Wise engages streamside property owners to help them enhance and protect vegetated stream buffers, increasing flood resiliency and benefiting water quality and natural habitat.
For more information please go to https://streamwisechamplain.org/ or contact Jed Feffer at [email protected] or Chris Steel at chrissteel4@gmail.com.

2025 Tour de Greensboro

The Tour de Greensboro is a non-competitive classic style ski tour event located in the beautiful town of Greensboro Vermont. The course is a 25 km single loop starting and ending at the Highland Lodge with a 15 km cutoff for those who prefer not to ski the entire distance. Participants will experience some of the best classic skiing in NE with spectacular views along the course incorporating the Greensboro Trail System and private trails. The course will be professionally groomed by the Craftsbury Outdoor Center and private landowners. Please note that this event is not for beginner skiers. You must know the basic classic techniques needed for skiing uphills and  downhills and the fitness required to ski 25km or 15km. For event registration, go to: https://www.skireg.com/tour-de-greensboro

Seeking Volunteers for Town of Greensboro Adopt-a-Culvert Program

The Town of Greensboro has over 800 culverts that play a functional role in moving water through road ditches or from water storage areas. Blocked or failed culverts can lead to costly road damage and water pollution via phosphorus transport. The goal of the adopt-a-culvert program is to ensure that ditches and culverts are maintained by cleaning on a biannual basis or as needed. Property owners should ensure that the culvert (if you have one) where your drive meets the town road is free of debris. Maintenance of these culverts should be completed by the property owner. If you are unable to complete this, we can ask volunteers to help you.
We are looking for volunteers to monitor ditches and culverts on town Rrads and, if able to, clear them of debris. This simple maintenance task will prevent culvert blockage and significantly reduce road damage. If you want to volunteer for the adopt-a-culvert program please fill out the form at https://forms.gle/tjhbBtAc5dHnZtBv6.
Detailed instructions will be provided when you have committed to the program.
This program is organized by the Stewards of the Greensboro Watersheds of the Greensboro Association and the Greensboro Conservation Commission.

Caspian Lake Sailing–2024 Season Report

Caspian Lake Sailing – 2024 Season Report 

Caspian Lake Sailing ran another strong season of racing this summer. In the August Series 38 total sailors competed over the course of 8 races in 3 weeks. Counting July programs there were 43 participants over all. August races averaged 12 boats per race. On three occasions the fleet reached 16 boats. Sunfish comprised the majority. Also competing were Lasers, RS Class, a Flying Dutchman, a Voyager, an Hunter, a Hobie Cat, and a Rocket.

Throughout the series sailors raced with sportsmanship and real joy in typical Caspian wind that is predictable only in being unpredictable. Constant shifts in wind direction and speed made for classic Caspian races in which the back of the fleet caught up to the front, leads changed regularly, and the order of finish remained uncertain until the last moments. Often boats finished within seconds of each other. In short, loads of fun was had by all. 

Series scoring works on a low point system with 1 point for a first place, 2 for 2nd, and so on. Sailors top four finishes were counted toward final scoring. Top finishers for series were:

Paul Brierre – 4 points

John Jacobs – 7 points

Peter Osterhout – 8 points

Rusty Newhouse – 14 points

There were numerous other strong finishers who may have only sailed in 3 or fewer races. Among them were Paul Landon, Scott Slater, Patrick Hewes, Cem Arcula, Blake Auchincloss, Chris King, Mark Wright, Doug McDonald, Phoebe Osterhout, Finn Osterhout, and Josie Marshall.

Very notable as well was seeing John Stone racing his Flying Dutchman crewed by multiple family members. This strategy paid off as the Stone/Slater family took home the prize for entering the most family members in the series over all.

Added note: a 2nd Dutchman sailed by Andy and Mateo Kehler took to Caspian waters for the first time in late August… Beautiful and fast these boats are. Hoping to see spinnakers out for a two boat Dutchman class next year.

Please see this attachment for complete results from each race.

Thanks to the efforts of Peter Osterhout CLS expanded its program into July with two scheduled races as well as regular practice and instructional races. Having marks set early in the season gave sailors the opportunity to run pick-up races whenever the wind called, which, of course, it often did. Basically, seeing two or more sails meeting up just north of the sunken island is an invitation to rig up and get out there. Using a slightly higher tech method, Peter built up a group text for sharing announcements, results, and photographs. This group ended up numbering 32 people, which apparently is the maximum for a group on iPhone messaging. 

Caspian Lake Sailing is organized by a core group of advocates promoting love of sailing as a means for building community on the lake. All levels of experience, all ages, all boats are encouraged. We offer free and informal instruction. Basically, we see all races as opportunities for learning and teaching. Please come out and join in! See contacts at bottom for more information. 

Next summer CLS plans to carry momentum forward with its same programs for July and August – informal/instructional races in July, race series in August. In addition, plans are in the works for a regatta on August 15/16: 5-7 races over two days. Mark your calendars now!

For more information on instruction, for general questions, or to volunteer to help with race committee, please contact:

Paul Landon @ [email protected]

John Jacobs @ [email protected] or 617-504-9203

Paul Brierre @ [email protected]

Peter Osterhout @ [email protected]

Caspian Lake Sailing can also be followed on Instagram

@ caspian_summer_sailing_series

Greensboro Community Survey 2024—It’s Time to Update the Town Plan!

To complete the survey:

  • Scan the QR Code below
  • Download the survey here
  • Complete the survey online here
  • Pick up a hard copy at Smiths, the Library or at the town offices

The Great Greensboro Bird Event on Saturday, August 17

Mark your calendars for the Great Greensboro Bird event on Saturday August 17th at 1pmfeaturing the ‘Vermont Bird Diva’ Bridget Butler followed by the Raptors of VINS – the Vermont Institute of Natural Sciences.  This event will take place at the Highland Center for the Arts (HCA) and is jointly sponsored by the HCA and the Greensboro Conservation Commission.  Click on this link to find out more.  https://greensborovt.gov/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Bird-Program-Flyer-V3-3.pdf



After last year’s devastation we’re learning and getting stronger by supporting our mutual aid networks.  We are still learning about the impacts and understanding the extent of the damage of last nights storm.  Every dollar donated will support our local community.  Please share widely!

Link:  https://bit.ly/GreensboroAssociationDonations

Greensboro Celebrates our Freedom and Independence on  Saturday, July 6

The Funky Fourth Parade:  10 AM Saturday, July 6st.   Grand Marshal Clive Grey and the graduating Class of Lakeview Elementary will lead the menagerie down Breezy Avenue.  The parade will feature bagpipe virtuoso Bill MacEisner, the legendary HoneyBee Steel Band, the Bread and Puppet Theater, Greensboro Ladies Walking Society, dogs, horses, cows, small & big-time politicians, weird floats, mega farm equipment plus our own The Road Crew and Fire Department.

Community Picnic:  11:30 – Bring Your Appetite. The parade will transition into the community picnic on the lawn of the Town Hall.  Free sandwiches, grilled sausages /hot dogs, Kingdom Creamery cones plus Church Lady home-made cookies will be served(as long as they last).

Dessert & Art Auction:  12 Noon.  As the picnic winds down,  slick-talking Tim Nisbet  assisted by Vanna White-Robinson will hawk Greensboro’s finest home-made heirloom desserts and local art pieces to benefit the Hardwick Area Food Pantry.  Additional desserts and art pieces will be available for bidding on the accompanying Silent Auction tables.

**Dessert & Art Donations:  They should be delivered to Greensboro Town Hall :  Desserts- Saturday morning prior to the 10 o’clock start of the parade.  Art donations- Anytime the week prior to the auction.  For more info, call John Schweizer @ 802.533.9289 or Dave Kelley at 802.586.2588

Music & Dancing at Highland Center for the Arts: 5:30 PM.  The Radio Rangers will ignite the evening air with their sound and energy.   Mini-golf, outdoor games, Sugar-on-Snow plus family fire pits will be open to all on the HCA lawn.  The Radio Rangers concert is free of charge (donations welcome).  Picnic dinners and libations will be available for purchase.  In case of rain, music will move indoors.

The Greensboro Funky Fourth Committee

The Greensboro Association’s New Mission and Vision Statements

In honor of our 90th year as an organization, the Greensboro Association Board of Trustees recently conducted a strategic review and planning process to guide us to 100 years and beyond. As part of that review, we revisited the Greensboro Association’s Vision and Mission statements, which we are delighted to share with you:
Our Mission is to advance initiatives that connect and enhance our greater Greensboro community, protect our lakes and environment, and support a vibrant local economy.
We envision that the Greensboro Association will be an essential connector within our greater Greensboro community and an example throughout Vermont for what we achieve through community collaboration and environmental stewardship.
These updated statements reflect our sustained focus on both environmental and community needs. We recognize that Greensboro exists within an interconnected community, ecosystem, and economy. To be a part of ensuring a vibrant Greensboro for generations to come we must continue to engage our greater Greensboro community in all that we do.
The Greensboro Association has long supported organizations and efforts that provide important community services and engaging programming for our residents and visitors alike. We have worked to protect Caspian Lake and its surrounding environment for generations, expanding efforts to include the entire watershed of all our lakes, rivers, and streams. We continue to find ways to forge connections between neighbors and build relationships that span generations. This is fundamental to the work we do and the community we envision in the years to come. We hope you join us on this journey!
As we celebrate 90 years of mission-driven work, we look forward to collaborating with you all as we bring this vision to life. We are an all-volunteer, member-based organization and consistent with our vision, encourage all full and part-time residents of Greensboro who support this mission to contribute their voices and become members of the Greensboro Association.

13th Annual Caspian Challenge: July 28, 2024: Registration opens on May 1

Screen Shot 2013-05-15 at 8.54.23 PM

The Caspian Challenge:

Sunday, July 28, 2024

at 8:30 a.m.




The 13th Annual Caspian Challenge Road Race is scheduled for Sunday, July 28, 2024 at the Ballfield In Greensboro, the corner of Lake Shore Road and Breezy Avenue. The race consists of the classic 6.8 mile loop around Caspian Lake and an out and back 5K Walk/Race. Prizes for both races and refreshments for all.

Join us for a morning of fun, exercise and community support. All proceeds from the event go to the Caspian Lake Adult Swim program. The registration fee online is $15 through July 27, and $20 on day of race. Day of race registration begins at 7:15 a.m. and ends at 8:15 a.m. sharp. No fee for those under 13. Minimum age to participate in the 5K is 7.

Eric Hanson, Race Director – [email protected].


Click here to register


400 trees planted in Greensboro Bend to Mitigate the Impact of Flooding

On Friday 26th and Saturday 27th April a volunteer team led by the Watershed Stewards of Greensboro (part of the Greensboro Association) and Orleans County Conservation District planted close to 400 trees in Greensboro Bend at the property of Pierrette Lyman. Mrs Lyman had asked for a Streamwise Assessment to be completed on her land in early 2023. Her property abuts the Lamoille River and was significantly impacted by the floods of July 2023. As she had already had her Streamwise Assessment, the Watershed Stewards and Orleans County Conservation District were able to respond quickly with a grant from the “Trees for Streams” program to obtain the trees and schedule the planting early in 2024. The team planted 391 Silver Maple, Tamarack, Willow, Elderberry and Dogwood trees. These trees will help protect Mrs Lyman’s property from future flood events and also improve the water quality in the Lamoille River. Over the two days we had 29 local volunteers participate including representatives of the Barton Girl Scouts Troop. Smith’s Grocery in Greensboro Bend kindly donated food and drinks to provide welcome sustenance to the volunteers.

If you are interested in scheduling a Streamwise Assessment of your property please contact [email protected]. A Streamwise Assessment recommends steps a property owner can take to enhance their land and mitigate flood risk where their land abuts a river. It also gives a property owner access to additional resources to help them with the recommended improvements.

Photo 1: Members of the volunteer planting team with the property owner Pierrette Lyman (third from right)

Photo 2: Watershed Stewards Jed Feffer and Chris Steel with Jen Thomson of Smith’s Grocery

Photo 3: Ted Sedell of Orleans County Conservation District coaching some of the younger volunteers.

Photo 4: The volunteer planting team at work

DEADLINE EXTENSION!!!Calling all artists! We are looking for artwork for the 2024-25 Greensboro Association Member Directory

The Greensboro Association is soliciting digital images of artwork that contain themes or subjects from Greensboro, the Northeast Kingdom, and/or Vermont.  One image will be chosen to be featured as the cover of the 2024-25 Greensboro Association member directory.

The Greensboro Association publishes a directory of members every two years. This directory is available at Willey’s Store, and is purchased by a wide number of local and seasonal residents.

Please read the GA Directory Cover Request for Submission carefully for submission requirements.  The submission deadline is April 25, 2024.    Submissions should be sent to [email protected].  All artists are encouraged to participate, although we give preference to local Greensboro and NEK artists and/or members of the Greensboro Association.


Update on Caspian Lake Classification Change

In the summer of 2021, JoAnn Hanowski, co-chair of the Greensboro Association’s Lakes and Environmental Stewardship Committee, authored a Caspian Lake petition to the Department of Environmental Conservation to reclassify the lake and watershed to A1 from its current classification of B1.  Caspian Lake qualifies as an A1 lake based on its current relatively low phosphorus level.  As an A1 lake, if Caspian faced an increase in phosphorus or other environmental issues, it would automatically qualify for dollars to implement projects to improve water quality and protect our lake.  JoAnn and her team collected nearly 500 signatures for the petition, and it was submitted in December 2021.  It was determined to be administratively complete and underwent technical and legal review. 

A public hearing on the petition was scheduled but has since been canceled due to an antiquated 1986 prohibition on new septic systems with a design flow greater than 1000 gallons/day.  When this prohibition was enacted, it was assumed that forbidding new septics of that size would prevent the construction of inns or very large houses.  However, today’s new single wastewater system technologies can replace and out-perform multiple old systems, yielding net positive impacts on water quality, thus making the 1986 prohibition a barrier to cleaner waters.  In addition, anti-degradation rules currently being developed will better address concerns over development than the one-size-fits-all septic size prohibition.  Nevertheless, the House Environment & Energy Committee is uncomfortable removing the 1986 prohibition due to development concerns; the Governor has put all lake re-classification petitions on hold until a replacement bill can be passed.  Katherine Sims has submitted a bill (H84), which addresses this issue, has the full support of the DEC, requires no additional funding, and was passed by the Senate in 2023.

What can we do?  Caspian Lake needs you to write a letter to all members of the House Environment & Energy Committee (listed below) asking them to take up S.146 (this is similar to H.84 per Katherine Sims) since they have passed this in the Senate.  The bill needs to pass in the House this session (end of May) or will have to go through both the Senate and House again next year.

Here is an example letter:


I am writing to encourage you to quickly pass S. 146 this legislative session.  

The Greensboro community worked incredibly hard in 2021 to gather signatures for a petition to re-classify Caspian Lake to A1.  We received a public hearing date but have now learned that the petition is on hold due to concerns over a 1986 septic regulation.   

We are confident that new wastewater system technologies, developed since 1986, will give full protection of the water quality in the Caspian Lake watershed when approved under the antidegradation rules.  We are also comfortable with our current zoning by-laws, lakeshore protection rules and anti-degradation laws to make informed decisions that will protect our A1 waters from excessive development.  

Passing S 146 this session will allow the re-classification process for Caspian Lake to be successful, and will further protect our lake.






Chair: Rep. Amy Sheldon, Middlebury

[email protected]

Phone (802) 828-2228


Vice-Chair: Rep. Laura Sibilia, Dover

[email protected]

Phone (802) 384-0233


Ranking Member: Rep. Seth Bongartz,


[email protected]

Phone (802) 828-2228


Rep. Paul Clifford, Rutland City

[email protected]

Phone (802) 828-2228


Rep. Kate Logan, Burlington

[email protected]

Phone (802) 828-2228


Rep. Kristi Morris, Springfield

[email protected]

Phone (802) 885-2949


Rep Avram Patt, Worcester

[email protected]

Phone (802) 223-1014


Calling all artists! We are looking for artwork for the 2024-25 Greensboro Association Member Directory

The Greensboro Association is soliciting digital images of artwork that contain themes or subjects from Greensboro, the Northeast Kingdom, and/or Vermont.  One image will be chosen to be featured as the cover of the 2024-25 Greensboro Association member directory.

The Greensboro Association publishes a directory of members every two years. This directory is available at Willey’s Store, and is purchased by a wide number of local and seasonal residents.

Please read the GA Directory Cover Request for Submission carefully for submission requirements.  The submission deadline is April 5, 2024.    Submissions should be sent to admin@greensboroassociation.org.  All artists are encouraged to participate, although we give preference to local Greensboro and NEK artists and/or members of the Greensboro Association.

The 2024 Tour de Greensboro 

Ninety very eager cross-country skiers took to the ski trails of the Northeast Kingdom on Saturday, Feb 10th to participate in the non-competitive 2024 Tour de Greensboro. Participants included a strong contingent of local skiers along with others from CT, ME, NH, MA, and NY. They all had one thing in common, to challenge themselves by skiing a full 25km loop on some of the most beautiful ski trails in the Northeast while enjoying the comradery of fellow skiers. For those skiers not quite up to the task, they could opt to do a 15km loop.

A spring-like day with temperatures in the 40’s welcomed skiers as they gathered for instructions from event organizer Jim Fredericks.  The course layout, which included 2200’ of climbing included some Highland Lodge trails combined with those of private landowners. Expertly groomed classic track conditions were provided by the Craftsbury Outdoor Center and private landowners.  The midpoint of the Tour included a break for hot cider and donuts, along with a warm fire.

Thunder chased some of the skiers at the end of the tour, but all reached the finish safely thanks to a large volunteer safety patrol.  Karl Stein from the Hardwick Emergency Rescue Squad led a team of volunteer Greensboro Association members with Wilderness First Aid skills.   GA members also helped skiers park their cars, registered them on arrival and return, and made sure everyone had hot cornbread and chili along with Jasper Hill Farm cheese at the ski hut.

The Tour de Greensboro would like to thank all its volunteers and sponsors who made this event possible, including Toko US, Lumi Experiences, Highland Lodge, Willey’s Store, Jasper Hill Farm, and Connie’s Kitchen.

Proceeds from the Tour de Greensboro will be donated to the Greensboro Association, whose mission is to conceive, advance and support village initiatives and organizations that enhance the Greensboro community and protect Caspian Lake and its surrounding environment.

Greensboro Association Awarded Grant for Decontamination Station at Caspian Lake Boat Launch

The Greensboro Association has been awarded a nearly $22,000 grant from the Lake Champlain Basin Program that will allow for the creation and maintenance of a decontamination station to be located at the Caspian Lake boat launch area.  The station will provide hot, pressurized water to clean watercraft before entering the lake, preventing the spread of Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) into Caspian Lake.  This decontamination station will enhance the already successful Greeter Program that the Association helps staff each season.  This generous grant is supported by an additional $4000 from the Greensboro Association’s Lake Reserve Fund.

“We have been fortunate to have maintained enough protection to keep Caspian free of known invasives to date,” says Stew Arnold, GA Caspian Lake Protection Chair. “Milfoil fragments can be found by inspection yet more of the invasive species are microscopic in nature thus our protection will be greatly enhanced by the decontamination station.”

Caspian Lake is one of the most pristine lakes in Vermont, and its watershed is at the headwaters of the Lamoille River Basin, which feeds into the Lake Champlain Basin.  The Greensboro Association and local community have supported programs to stop the spread of AIS for over 50 years, and participated in AIS prevention and identification training, the Vermont Invasive Patrollers Program, and the VT Public Access Greeter Program since their inception.  In addition, the GA has been conducting water quality sampling for over 30 years, monitoring tributaries for the past 5 years, and participating in Loon Nesting Conservation for 7 years.  Caspian Lake Greeters inspect 1200-1600 watercraft each year at the boat launch, and will now be able to direct risky watercraft to this new station instead of sending boat owners 30-45 minutes away to properly decontaminate their boats.  Many of those boats come from Lake Champlain or Lake Memphremagog basin lakes, which are considered vector lakes for AIS.  The addition of this new decontamination station will help ensure that Caspian Lake remains free of AIS for many years to come.

Stew Arnold reports, “Plans have the decontamination station built in the second half of this coming Spring and fully operational by the Summer season start in June.”