Act 46 and Greensboro: An Update on our Progress

It’s been several months since the Greensboro and Lakeview Union Districts held a public forum to discuss Act 46. In that time, several developments have taken place.

Greensboro members from the Greensboro School District Board, the Lakeview Union Board, and the Hazen Union Board are active participants in the OSSU Act 46 Study Group, now formally called an Exploratory Committee. Meetings are facilitated by consultant Steve Sanborn, whose work is funded by a $5000 study grant from the state. The committee is currently discussing options including an option for school choice within the supervisory union and transportation issues.

Separate from these meetings Greensboro and Lakeview school board members were also contacted by school board members from Peacham to explore possible ways for our districts, including Stannard, to work together.   Peacham operates a K-6 school like Lakeview, but they offer full choice for grades 7-12. They do not operate a middle or high school. Peacham currently educates approximately 45 students and is deeply committed to retaining its small, community elementary school.

Board members are just as committed to retaining Lakeview for our elementary students and community.

At a June 7 meeting it was very clear that no one present was in favor of placing children on buses for long distances for any grades. Cost, quality of education, retaining control of our budget, and providing equity to all students are important parts of the ongoing discussion.

Board members are continuing their work to find the best options for Greensboro and Stannard students and families. There are several options on the table that they will explore that could satisfy Act 46’s requirements. Actual financial implications for any of these ideas are not available at this time. It is the work of the exploratory committee in conjunction with the consultant to work out those details and then provide that information to the community for feedback.

No decision or change to our current education structure will be made without the approval of the voters of Greensboro.

If you are interested in the Act 46 process, the next OSSU Exploratory Committee meeting is on June 16 at 6:00 PM at the OSSU Central Office in the Daniels Building in Hardwick. Greensboro will host another meeting in the coming weeks to update the community on the committee’s progress and next steps. Minutes of past OSSU exploratory group meetings as well as other information about Act 46 are available at



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