Caspian Lake Watershed Action Plan
Stewards of the Greensboro watersheds partnered with the Orleans County Natural Resources Conservation Service to complete a Lake Watershed Action Plan for the Caspian Lake Watershed. A Lake Watershed Action Plan is an assessment and planning tool which identifies the greatest threats to the lake ecosystem, including impacts on water quality and wildlife habitat from stormwater runoff and from altered, cleared, or converted shorelands. The assessment combines a lake’s condition of shoreland, tributaries, drainage ditches, wetlands, hydrologically connected roads, and working landscapes in an individual planning guide that prioritizes restoration and protection actions for that specific region.
The Caspian Lake LWAP information is available for your viewing on the Storymap site. This story identifies individual properties within the watershed where a stream, wetland, road or shore project could be completed to reduce phosphorus input to the watershed. If you see your property in the storymap (by location identification only) and would like to pursue a project, please contact [email protected]