Should Greensboro enact a Noise Ordinance?

The Select Board has appointed a committee to consider a noise ordinance for Greensboro.   This committee was formed in response to complaints about late night noise during parties at the Lakeview Inn in the summer.   Committee members are Tom Anastasio, Peter Romans, Anne Harbison, Cilla Bonney-Smith, Sue Wood, Erwin Salls, Jr., Megen Rose, and Lenny Schiavone.  Up to three additional members may join, at the discretion of the Committee.

The Committee’s objective is to determine whether the town should enact a noise ordinance, and if so, put an ordinance on the warning for the March 2015 town meeting.

Do you have an opinion?   Click “Leave a reply” in this article, or if preferred you may send comments directly to the committee care of Sue Wood.

8 replies
  1. Janet Long
    Janet Long says:

    I believe it is time for a noise ordinance. The Lakeview neighbors have suffered long enough when all other noise makers who went through the zoning process are required to keep noise levels down and they are not. I realize the ordinance would cover the whole town but that’s okay with me.

  2. Amy G. Nichols
    Amy G. Nichols says:

    Having summered on Breezy Ave. for many years, the worst culprits of noise pollution in my opinion, are the late night “drag racers” and folks who don’t respect the speed limit in their monster trucks. Also, many a night, the gun blasting off in the distance was not only scary , but annoying. I’m not sure why there is not more police enforcement?

  3. Mateo Kehler
    Mateo Kehler says:

    I think it is a ridiculous idea to enact a noise ordinance on a business that has a conditional use permit to operate in the ‘business district’. There were 6 weddings in 2014 and those weddings were a significant boost to a number of Greensboro businesses. There really is only one party that has been complaining, and enacting an ordinance has impacts beyond this particular situation. Look at the history here… it is the same relentless effort to curb the ability of a significant community asset to be financially viable…. anyone remember the LVI when it was falling into the ground? there were about 40 years of pretty tough going in that location. How about supporting a viable use for the property. A noise ordinance wont help. Some patience, ear plugs (if neceessary) a few nights a year and a vote for some vibrancy in town is what I would advocate for.

  4. Tom Woodward
    Tom Woodward says:

    We need to stop worrying about whether the Lakeview Inn is going to lose money in its engagement as a wedding reception site. A great party from 6 PM until 10 or ll pm is just as much fun as 8 pm to midnight. Ambient noise goes downstream to many others. There is also a particular, local problem in the camp area: home owners have to put up with renters who have wild house parties, fraternity 3-day bashes, late-night fireworks — all with no restraint whatever and no way to put a stop to it. Thousands of other communities have reasonable noise ordinances and residents have no complaints about that. It is time for perpetrators to begin thinking about other people besides their own selfish desires.

  5. Linda Ely
    Linda Ely says:

    Comment from Kent & Cathy Hansen
    Reposted on 11/29/2014

    We don’t think a new regulation restricting noise in the Village is needed. Currently the Lakeview Inn limits noise after a certain time at night… that seems adequate to us.

    If neighbors have issues they should talk with their neighbors to work things out – not report them to the proposed noise police.

    Kent & Cathy Hansen [email protected]

  6. Peggy Lipscomb
    Peggy Lipscomb says:

    While I can see where a noise ordinance would occasionally be useful, I think it would be too hard to enforce. We would need a tool to measure it, we would need someone local (not the HPD) to measure it (do the Selectboard members want to do this?), and since the measurement point would be the property line (and where is that?) I think the number of times the noise could be declared over the limit would be few. Before we think about it further we should have some long-ish chats with the towns that already have a noise ordinance and see what their experiences have been.

    While I don’t live near the Lakeview, I think snowmobile noise is a more frequent problem, especially where they are gunning them and jumping them, like across the road from my house, sometimes for hours and hours, long after dark.

  7. Charlie Averill
    Charlie Averill says:

    I agree with the folks who think a little noise until a reasonable hour is something we can all live with. The Lakeview Inn is a great asset to Greensboro and they should be able to have these events. I’m more worried about our property taxes. Pretty soon there won’t be anyone around to hear the noise!

  8. Peter Romans
    Peter Romans says:

    Some of these comments indicate misunderstandings about a potential Town noise ordinance. A committee was formed as a consequence of several complaints of excessive noise around town and because of noise restrictions imposed by the DRB In 2014. Three new entities in town, Circus Smirkus, GAAR, and a Yoga retreat in N. Greensboro, were permitted with conditions that specifically disallow outdoor amplified music and other noise related activities. The DRB added these conditions because neighboring landowners demanded that their properties not be subjected to undue noise. An initial complaint about the Grange remodel mentioned noise as a potential detractor to the quality of that neighborhood. Our current system allows significant inequities in influence and consequences regarding noise issues. When individuals are confronted with noise threats, they are very interested in protecting the harmony of their property. That is understandable and should be equally available to all households.
    Much of Mr. Kehler’s letter is incorrect or misleading. The LVI is not targeted and is only mentioned because multiple parties have complained about it’s noise. No suggestion has been made that would prohibit operating a business at the LVI. An ordinance would simply require that LVI respect the environment of the neighborhood while conducting business. Greensboro does not have a “business district” as Kehler implies and suggesting earplugs would be a grossly irresponsible town position.
    Hardwick’s Police Chief has told the town that responding to noise complaints will be more effective with an ordinance in place. It works in thousands of communities when people neglect to regulate themselves.
    Committee meetings are public, informative and all may attend. These thoughts are mine and are not intended to represent the Noise Committee.
    Peter Romans


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