Updates to the Mirror Theater, Willey Beach Park, and the Greensboro Grange

The Development Review Board in Greensboro has had a busy fall.   Along with its normal number of residential building and renovation submissions, it has met and ruled on several Greensboro municipal and business projects.   The board, which is comprise of 8 members, meets on an as needed basis to rule on zoning variances within the Town.

1)   The Greensboro Grange Building   On September 30, 2014, the DRB approved a proposal for renovation of the Greensboro Grange Building, located next to the United Church of Christ in the village.   The variance was required since a renovation of the Grange Building requires two separate egresses from the premises to meet safety and fire codes.   As the Grange lot is smaller than current zoning laws require and as it does not have an adequate setback from the adjoining Church Lane or from a wetland area along the side and back of the property, the addition of the second egress required a zoning variance.   After two prior attempts were not approved, the DRB agreed that the proposed 14’ by 11’ back stairway and landing was the smallest possible alteration to meet safety codes.   Prior submissions had asked for a much larger porch on the back of the building.

2)   The Greensboro Willey Beach Park   On November 5, 2014, the DRB approved a proposal to remove and reseed a large portion gravel pad located between the United Church of Christ rectory and the adjoining residence on Wilson Street.   The proposal reduces the size of the gravel pad to 35’ by 50’ next to Wilson Street.   This reduced parking pad will provide space for cars who wish to access the Willey land for recreational purposes.

The Town of Greensboro will be responsible for removing the gravel and reseeding the area.

The DRB rejected a proposal to place wooden walkways within the Willey land.   There are a number of paths throughout the land which includes a marshy and wet area as well as a wooded area adjacent to Caspian Lake.   Further development of the Willey land is under consideration by the Select Board, subject to funding, the need for handicap access and the recommendations of a committee formed by that group.   The full proposal and decision is here.

An article on the history and status of the park is available here.   Over summer and fall 2014, multiple discussions were held by the Select Board on how to proceed with developing the land, how much parking was needed, whether the land could be used for municipal parking and what the Park should be called.

3) The Greensboro Arts Alliance and Residency (GAAR) Mirror Theater project     On September 16, 2014, the DRB approved the proposal submitted by the GAAR to build The Mirror Theater on the property which currently is known as The Hazendale Farm.   The Approval, which is subject to some restrictions on use, came following a community wide public variance hearing to discuss the project and the submission.   During that meeting, presentations were given regarding the project by GAAR and by the project architects.   Many questions and comments were aired during the meeting and in writing by abutting landowners, interested community residents, fire district personnel, and arts supporters.

More information about the Theater project can be found in this article by the Burlington Free Press, or through the GAAR directly.   The construction schedule is, at this point, unknown.



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