2023 Annual Meeting: August 3 at 4 p.m.
The 2023 Annual Meeting of the Greensboro Association will be held on August 3 at 4:00 pm at Fellowship Hall. We sincerely hope many of our members will be able to attend to hear about the great work of the GA this past year. If you are unable to attend in person, a zoom link can be found below.
After the business meeting, our first speaker Lauren Jenness, New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC) Environmental Analyst, Lake Champlain Basin Program, will share information about the GA’s participation in the Stream Wise Program, which the GA will soon be starting. If you live on land on the feeder brooks into Caspian Lake or Greensboro Brook, or on the Lamoille River or its tributaries in Greensboro Bend, getting a Stream Wise assessment can help you take the best possible care of your stream side property.
Following Lauren’s presentation, Kent Hansen, chair of Greensboro’s Planning Commission, will share what the Planning Commission has been working on over the last year and what proposed Zoning Bylaw changes are coming up.
The agenda for the Annual meeting can be found here.
Last year’s minutes can be found here.