The Greensboro Association
2014 President’s Report
August 8, 2013
Our mission is to conceive, advance, and support village initiatives and organizations that enhance our community and to protect Caspian Lake and its surrounding environment for both full and part-time residents of Greensboro.
We refined our mission this year to help sharpen our focus and support the launch of the new Greensboro Association Endowment. Our new 501c3 status and the GA Endowment represents a major milestone for the Association. These pave the way for members and friends to contribute with annual donations as well as major gifts to support the future needs in Greensboro and deliver on our mission.
As you know the real work in the GA is done within our committees and we have worked to organize the committees to keep up with changing needs. As the committee reports demonstrate, we are active in protecting our lake environment, promoting values and legislation important to our members, providing important grants for specific needs, engaging the community with events, the directory, website and communications and supporting important village initiatives. I would like to thank all of our committee chairpersons and members for their extraordinary efforts.
This year, I would like to single out the Grants and Gifts Committee and the support and wisdom of the entire board and recognize their extraordinary work in setting up the association as a 501c3 and launching the GA Endowment. Enormous effort continues under the leadership of Clay Simpson and with contributions from Andy Dales, Linda Ely, Day Patterson, Mike Cassidy, Rick Lovett and Clive Gray. These contributions will have a lasting impact for Greensboro.
Over the next year, we remain committed to continuing our vigilant protection of Caspian Lake, building the GA Endowment, supporting important policies, expanding our community visibility and impact and growing our membership with those that share our vision and support our mission.
Respectfully submitted,
John C. Stone III