Sunday Music on the Lake

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2013 marks the 68th season of Lake Concerts on Sundays in the on Caspian Lake.   Recently I remarked that I had been up to the concert in my canoe the night before and how lovely it had
been.   One of the other woman remarked that she would love to go, but didn’t really know where the concert was or how to get there.  SOOOO, for all of you who might want to experience this wonderful Greensboro tradition for the first time, here are some pointers.

  • Concerts occur Sundays in July and August – 8pm start in July, and 7:30pm start in August.
  • The program for the concert is usually found on the front door of Willey’s Store the prior week.
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  • The concerts occur at the Landon Lake House, which is located at 163 Pleasants Street on the south end of the lake.
  • Concert goers are welcome by non-power boat via lake, or by car to sit on the iconic veranda of this large and wonderful cottage.  If you come by boat, do bring a light to use on your way back to your dock.
  • Everyone using the lake during the concerts is encouraged to be quiet during the concerts.

Lisa and John Hewett have been in charge of these concerts for many decades – we all thank them for the tremendous effort and for such lovely evenings on the Lake.

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Proposed Amendments to the GA Articles of Association and Bylaws

The Association’s Articles of Association were adopted in 1934 and have never been amended, and the Association’s By-Laws were last amended in 2003. In the course of reviewing the Association’s documents for tax-exempt 501(c)(3) purposes, an “ad hoc” committee has also proposed changes to adapt the provisions to current practices.  Attorneys Day Patterson and Bob Fairbanks drafted the changes based upon the advice of experienced volunteers Andy Dales, Rick Lovett, Clive Gray, Mike Cassidy and Clay Simpson (chair). The Board will review and vote on the amendments next week, and in accordance with the current bylaws we will ask the Association members attending the annual meeting on August 9th to vote to accept the amendments

1. Proposed new Articles of Association

2. Proposed amended bylaws

3. Bylaw amendments – Mark-up with highlights

4. A Memorandum from Attorney Day Patterson to the Board and Membership Explaining the Changes

5. A note from the “ad hoc” Foundation Committee about the need for 501(c)(3) status for the Greensboro Association

Sky Blue Boys in Greensboro on August 4

Sky Blue Boys

Caspian Lake Sailing Days & Sailing Clinic

Throughout the 60s, 70s and early 80s, we enjoyed a vibrant Yacht Club on Caspian Lake with a fleet of about 10 Flying Dutchman, 30+ Sunfish and about a dozen handicap sailboats. Races were every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon and spectators could enjoy colorful sails circling buoys at different parts of the lake.

To help relive memories, the Greensboro Association is promoting two “Sailing Days”. Come out to the lake on July 27 (Thanks for coming out!) and August 17th. Let’s see how many sailboats we can have on the lake!

Need a sailing refresher?

Join us for a free sailing clinic at the Stone-Slater Cottage (South Shore Pleasant’s St. next door to the Landon Sunday Night Concert location) on Saturday July 20 at  and / or on August 17th from 3PM-4PM (NEW TIME!) weather permitting (e.g. no storms). Come by boat, foot or car. Look for updates here on the Greensboro Association website and Facebook Page. 

We can tackle beginner to more advanced sailing topics, so feel free to come along and If you are an expert, come and teach others.






Summer News in Greensboro

Summer is in full swing in Greensboro.   Please check the Green Sheet for listings of various activities and dates/times during July and August.  There is something for everyone.

2013 season of the Greensboro Arts Alliance and Residency

Caspian Monday Music
Summer Music from Greensboro
The Craftsbury Chamber Players
The Sky Blue Boys

Children’s   Activities
The Greensboro Free Library
The Art House
4 Seasons of Early Learning
Wonder and Wisdom
Circus Smirkus

Book  Groups  
The Greensboro Free Library
The United Church of Christ

Greensboro  Association
Caspian Challenge Run Walk – SIGN UP NOW!
Caspian Lake Sail Days

Yoga with Sophia Barsalow
Tai Chi
Swim the Kingdom – Caspian Lake

Lecture   Series
The Greensboro Historical Society
GUCC Summer Lecture Series

And many other events on our GREEN SHEET .   Check back to for more information as the summer rolls on!

Please email [email protected] if you would like us to include your events in our green sheet and mailings.

ALSO…..2013 Directories are available for purchase at Willey’s Store.

Haven’t paid your dues for 2013?   Dues payment and donation information here.

Is there someone you know who would like to be added to our mailing list?   Please send the email to [email protected] with their name and email address.