The 2020 GA Annual Meeting will be held August 6 at 4pm

The 2020 Annual Meeting for the Greensboro Association will be held on August 6 at 4:00 pm.   We sincerely hope many of our members will be able to attend to hear about the great work of the GA in this unusual year.

This meeting will occur electronically via ZOOM. Please refer to the email from the GA with the Zoom link. If you have misplaced or deleted that email please email [email protected] and we will send the link. You will be able to access the meeting via internet or phone. Information about How to access a Zoom meeting can be found HERE.

Documents for the meeting are available at the links below.

GA Annual Meeting Agenda Aug 6 2020








Annual Meeting and People to Thank

For those of you that missed the August 8 annual meeting of the Greensboro Association, here are a few highlights – as well as reminder to say thanks to your board members and your committee members for all their work and contributions to the Association and Greensboro.

 2014 President’s Report Summary

Our mission is to conceive, advance, and support village initiatives and organizations that enhance our community and to protect Caspian Lake and its surrounding environment for both full and part-time residents of Greensboro.

We refined our mission this year to help sharpen our focus and support the launch of the new Greensboro Association Endowment. Establishing a 501c3 status and launching the GA Endowment represents a major milestone for the Association and can pave the way for members and friends to contribute with annual donations as well as consider major gifts to support the future needs in Greensboro and to deliver on our mission.

Read the rest of the report here.

People to Thank

When you see these people, please pass along your thank you for all of their efforts on behalf of the GA and Greensboro. (Feel free to add your comments below and mention any people we may have missed!):

Managing the precious Barr Hill & Long Pond Nature Preserves:  Chris King, Clive Gray

Engaging our members with year round communications:  Linda Ely

  • Managing the Website & Member Data (Betsy Hunt)
  • Crafting the Spring Newsletter (Niall Kirkwood)
  • Building the Directory (Linda Ely)
  • Creating the Green Sheet Calendar (Cilla Smith)
  • Providing Web and Technical Advice  (Susan Wood, John Stone)

Running events we love like the Caspian Challenge!: Victoria von Hessert with help and support from Stew and Becky Arnold, The Ely Family, The Porrazzo Family, The Sowles Family, The Osterhout Family, The Kehler Family, The Cook Family, Day Patterson, Sarah Kasten, The Gowen Family, Jim Flint

Managing our funds and supporting the 501c3 process: Rick Lovett, Day Patterson

Crafting, shaping and launching the GA Endowment!!: Clay Simpson with  John Stone III, Linda Ely, Andy Dales, Rick Lovett, Mike Cassidy, Day Patterson (MVP!), Bob Fairbanks, Clive Gray and Mary Parker.

Awarding Grants and managing the grant applications!: Clay Simpson, Niall Kirkwood, Andy Dales, Janet Johnston

Working with the Select Board to support a range of Greensboro Initiatives: Naomi Ranz-Schleifer with Allison Stegner, Chris King, Sara Dillon, John Stone and working with Patrick Hewes and The Willey Beach Park Committee (consisting of Naomi Ranz-Schleifer, John Mackin, and Selectboard Members Peter Romans and Bridget Collier)

Protecting Our Lake!  Andy Dales with Bob Parrish, Allison Stegner, Jim Sutton, June Bascom, Rick Yeiser (Chair of GLT Stream Runoff Subcommittee), Linda Shatney

Launching our Membership Program: Allison Stegner with Naomi Ranz-Schleifer; Sara Dillon

Our Sunday Evening Music – Lake Concerts: John & Lisa Hewett with help this year from Elias Ranz-Schleifer  

Facilitating the nominations of your Board of Trustees: Don Jenkins

Managing the Greensboro Swimming Committee: Lorelei Wheeler

Working on the town Zoning By-Laws: Larry Hewes

Reports available online from the 2012 Annual Meeting

Committee reports are available online from the Annual Meeting in August 2012.     Minutes from the meeting are also available.   Look under Reports in this website.


Thank you to everyone who came to the meeting and who presented a report.

Highland Lodge update at Greensboro Association Annual meeting – August 10, 2012 at 7:30pm

Please join us at 7:30pm on Friday, August 10 for the Greensboro Association Annual meeting in Fellowship Hall at the United Church of Christ.  In addition to updates by the Selectboard and the Hardwick Police Department, we will have a report on Caspian Lake, a review of projects which are planned for the next year and a presentation on the status of Highland Lodge by guest speakers Willey and David Smith. The Association will also approve our budget and the slate of new officers for next year.

The Agenda

Introductions (Welcome & Overview of Agenda, Reading of Members Passed) Greensboro Reports (Police Report, Selectman Update, Greensboro Award, Fire Station Report)

Treasurer & Auditor Report Greensboro Community Project Proposal Committee Reports (Lake Update, Communications & Website, Events Committee, Membership Update, Grants and Gifts, Nominating & New Slate) President’s Report

Guest Speakers –David and Wilhelmina Smith: Highland Lodge Update