Should the Circus Smirkus camp in Greensboro be allowed to proceed?

The July Greensboro zoning approval for construction of a summer camp by Circus Smirkus on Breezy Avenue in 2014 has been appealed by a group of local landowners to Vermont Superior Court.   The appeal seeks to overturn Town zoning approval of the camp and delay or prevent the camp from proceeding.  Circus Smirkus’ original application, permit, and appeal documents are on the Town website (halfway down page under Circus Smirkus)

The GA knows members hold strong and opposing views towards the Circus Smirkus project.   As a result, we have not to taken an official position on the project and the appeal at this time.

Should the Circus Smirkus camp in Greensboro be allowed to proceed?

We strongly urge our members to express their views about the Circus Smirkus camp by leaving a reply (Click Leave a reply above on the left).   Comments can also be sent to the Greensboro Selectboard and to the Editor of the Hardwick Gazette.


New proposed Greensboro zoning for Caspian Lakeshore property is under consideration – New rules may be effective March 2014

The Greensboro Planning Commission is working on proposed changes to the Greensboro Zoning Bylaw which governs the Caspian Lakeshore district.  The Commission plans to present the new zoning rules at Town Meeting in March 2014, and if voted in they will become effective as of that meeting.

An excellent comparison of the proposed zoning to the current Lakeshore zoning is found here.

The Greensboro Association has submitted comments to the Planning Committee about the draft proposal and has specifically questioned some of the provisions included in Article 8:  Lake Shoreland Protection District Bylaw, which starts on page 56.  The Greensboro Association urges Lakeshore property owners and potential owners to read Article 8 in particular, which contains further requirements regarding rebuilding, renovating or managing trees within the Lakeshore district.  Property owners can also submit comments to the Planning commission at [email protected].

In brief, the Greensboro Association has questioned provisions calling for time consuming obligations on property owners who wish to cut trees on their property, on limitations to rebuild damaged existing cottages on their existing footprint, and on the need for stronger zoning in general given the continuing health of Caspian Lake.

The changes are a response to State legislation H.526 which being considered by the State Senate to provide a state regulation of all Vermont waters, including Caspian Lake.  H. 526 has already been passed by the State House of Representatives.

Copies of the proposed changes are available at the Town Hall and here:  Zoning Bylaw – 2013 Working DRAFT  .

Water Line Replacement Project Status – August 2013

July found the Munson crew finishing the Lauredon line. There is now a fire hydrant directly opposite the elementary school.  They then proceeded to cross East Craftsbury Road and run up Perron’s fields to the reservoir for the longest and steepest uninterrupted run of 12” pipe(.6 mi.).   In August, temporary piping was placed, flushed, and connected to cottages along Cheney Road/Winnimere.  Work then commenced on the section between from the village terminus now at Wilson St. between the Parsonage and Altman’s, down Church Lane and Cheney Lane towards Winnemere.   As of August 31, permanent pipe was laid up to the end of Church Lane.  Some limited blasting will be done the week of September 3 to remove rock ledge on the pipe’s path.


This is adhering to the schedule set, so we are happy with progress to date.

John Mackin for the Greensboro Fire District #1