Should the Circus Smirkus camp in Greensboro be allowed to proceed?
The July Greensboro zoning approval for construction of a summer camp by Circus Smirkus on Breezy Avenue in 2014 has been appealed by a group of local landowners to Vermont Superior Court. The appeal seeks to overturn Town zoning approval of the camp and delay or prevent the camp from proceeding. Circus Smirkus’ original application, permit, and appeal documents are on the Town website (halfway down page under Circus Smirkus)
The GA knows members hold strong and opposing views towards the Circus Smirkus project. As a result, we have not to taken an official position on the project and the appeal at this time.
Should the Circus Smirkus camp in Greensboro be allowed to proceed?
We strongly urge our members to express their views about the Circus Smirkus camp by leaving a reply (Click Leave a reply above on the left). Comments can also be sent to the Greensboro Selectboard and to the Editor of the Hardwick Gazette.