Winter Parking Ban in Effect

 A reminder that winter parking rules in Greensboro are in effect.  Parking vehicles on Town Highway rights-of-way and turnarounds is prohibited.  Vehicles may be towed at the owner’s expense.

Overnight parking in public parking lots, around the Town Hall, or in front of Willey’s Store is also prohibited.  Cars may be towed at the owner’s expense.

Plowing snow across a Town Highway or depositing snow on a Town Highway is a violation of state law and is strictly prohibited.

Trees and brush in the Town Highway right-of-way that are deemed to pose a hazard by the Select Board or Town Road Foreman may be removed.


Holiday Happenings

Planning to be in Greensboro during the holiday season?  There will be a variety of arts offerings during the month of December, including performances at the Highland Center, music at the Highland Lodge (check their Facebook page for details), the Craftsbury Farmer’s Market on December 9, and crafting workshops hosted by WonderArts.  Be sure to check the links below for details and to check back for more opportunities.

Greensboro Select Board Discusses Additional Police Officer for Hardwick Police Department

At the Select Board’s November meeting, Hardwick Police Chief Aaron Cochran presented plans for the addition of a new officer to the department.  The HPD has applied for a federal grant to help cover the cost of an additional entry-level officer’s salary for three years, after which that cost would need to be assumed by the HPD budget, of which Greensboro pays a share.  If the grant is received, an existing officer would be promoted to detective.  Statistics show that our area has seen an increase in crime, which Chief Cochran attributes primarily to the drug problem.  Working with Hardwick Town Manager Jon Jewett, the Hardwick and Greensboro select boards will put together two versions of the HPD budget to reflect both receipt of the federal grant and no receipt of the grant.

School Budgets, Education Spending, and the Calculation of Property Taxes

The Vermont School Boards Association (VSBA) released a new video to help explain how the education portion of your property taxes is calculated.  In a posting earlier this fall, we informed you of the pending shortfall in the State’s Education Fund.  This shortfall will likely impact your property taxes next year.  School districts are currently building budgets for presentation to the voters at town meetings in March.  In Greensboro, voters will be asked to approve three separate budgets: one at town meeting on March 6 for the Greensboro Town School District, which funds preschool education, one for the Lakeview Union Elementary School at its annual meeting on Thursday, March 8, and one by Australian ballot at town meeting for Hazen Union High School.  A budget presentation for Hazen Union is currently scheduled for Thursday, February 26 at the high school in Hardwick.

The short video is available below: