Update on Ice Damage Prevention Efforts on Caspian Lake

Greensboro Association members Andy Dales, Stew Arnold, and John Schweizer met with representatives from the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) in early June to discuss this year’s ice damage to numerous stretches of shoreline in February and mid-April. ANR Program Manager Perry Thomas and the Stream Flow Specialist Jeff Crocker explained that the agency’s policy regarding lake level and outflow covered all lakes in Vermont without exception. Seasonal draw-downs of lakes affect the food sources and reproduction cycles of fish and insect species in both lakes and in habitats downstream. The Greensboro Association proposed that ANR allow Hardwick Electric Department (HED), in cooperation with the GA, to set a mean lake level for both summer and winter by adjusting the dam outflow at the Caspian Beach. This proposal was rejected by the agency. However, it could be possible for the GA to petition the state to set a target lake level for Caspian, and the agency offered to provide the GA with the requisite forms and petition materials should the Association decide to pursue this option. The discussion did not address responsibility for this year’s damage or compensation for property owners who experienced damage to their shoreline. The intent behind this initial meeting was to inform the ANR of the problem and to better understand the agency’s policies and positions on this subject.

Stay tuned for updates and a possible public forum on this topic.


Greensboro Swim Program Cancelled for 2016

After years of successful programming, the Greensboro swim program will not be held in 2016.

Despite a comprehensive search using several different approaches and options, organizers were not able to find enough certified instructors to teach the program.

If you are interested in becoming a Water Safety Instructor (WSI) or Lifeguard so that the Greensboro Association can once again sponsor this program in coming years, the prerequisites are:

  • Must be 16 years old or older,
  • Have proof of completion of level 5 or 6 Red Cross Swim lessons,
  • And be able to pass a swimming test by a certified instructor.

For additional information, please look into an instructor certification course at a pool near you. College pools, YMCA and Kiwanis pools often offer courses during the year.

For many of our area kids, this can be one of the only opportunities they will have to learn to swim. It’s also been one of the GA’s important sponsorship programs in our community. If you or someone you know would be interested in participating next year, please, start the process now so that this can be offered again.

Greensboro Performing Arts Center Trust Names New Theater Complex

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The Greensboro Performing Arts Center Trust (GPACT) announced a new name for the theater complex currently under construction at the corner of Hardwick Street and Center Road. The theater will be called the Highland Center for the Arts. GPACT will correspondingly be known as the Highland Center for the Arts Trust, Ltd. As a multi-purpose performing arts facility, the new name is a reflection of the building’s diverse planned uses, including as performance space for music, dance, circus arts, and theatre, as well as gallery space. The performing arts center is scheduled for completion in the spring of 2017.  For more information, as well as for current construction photos and updates, visit https://highlandartsvt.org/summer-2016-construction-photos/

What do YOU see? What do YOU want Greensboro to be?


The Greensboro Planning Commission is writing a new Town Plan.

Now is the time for residents to weigh in on residential and commercial development, renewable energy, natural resources, community character and more. Everyone in the household is encouraged to participate in this process by taking the Greensboro Community Survey.

Please complete the survey by Monday July 11th.



The online survey is up and live now. Paper copies of the survey are also available at the following locations:

Greensboro Town Clerk’s Office; Smith’s Grocery; Willey’s Store; Greensboro Free Library; Greensboro Post Office; Greensboro Bend Post Office; Four Seasons of Early Learning; Greensboro United Church of Christ

The Planning Commission hopes that every resident, voter and property owner, as well as members of their immediate household will respond. After reviewing the results of the survey, the Commission will conduct topic-specific focus groups and general discussion community forums before sitting down to write a draft plan. Once the draft is ready, the Commission will again seek community wide input and consensus before finalizing the plan.

Questions? Please contact the Greensboro Planning Commission:

Joe Wood (Chair): 533-2148 or [email protected]

David Miltenberger (Vice Chair): 533-2917 [email protected]

50 Ways to Protect Caspian Lake


Did you know that the GA published a guide that illustrates ways we can all protect and conserve Caspian Lake?   It includes useful information about boating rules, tips to protect water quality, septic system maintenance, and more. The document is available for you on our website – just check to the lower right hand side of our home page.

Consider making it available in hard copy for your guests or renters this season.


Barr Hill Access Road Reopens

The access road to the Barr Hill Nature Preserve underwent significant repairs during the month of May that required its temporary closure to vehicle traffic. Those repairs were completed just in time for Memorial Day weekend, and visitors to Greensboro can once again access the parking area for the nature trail and preserve by car.   Please note that the repairs included the installation of several water bars to facilitate drainage and help prevent washouts. Drive slowly to protect your car, and more importantly, drive slowly to fully appreciate this special spot in Greensboro.



Important Early Summer Dates for Town Services

Grievance Day hearings are set for Tuesday, June 28th beginning at 9:30 AM. The town clerk’s office requests that appointments be scheduled prior to June 28th. The Assessor will be available in the Town Office on Tuesday, June 21st to answer questions.

The summer recycling schedule will begin on Wednesday, June 22. The recycling center will be open from 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM on Wednesdays in addition to the regular Saturday hours of 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM. The summer recycling schedule ends on Wednesday, September 7.

Household Hazardous Waste collection day will be on July 23 this year, from 8:00 to 11:00 AM.

Hardwick Gazette for Sale – for 400 Words

Ross Connelly, the publisher of our local newspaper the Hardwick Gazette, is looking for the best person to fill his chair at the 127-year old paper. Entrants will pay $175 and submit an essay of no more than 400 words describing their skills and vision for the paper, which is a key source for information for the nine communities it serves, including Greensboro. Ross Connelly has been at the paper’s helm for 30 years and is ready to retire.   A panel of judges will select the winning entry. The contest begins this Saturday and will continue until August 11. The winner will also take over the Main Street building in Hardwick that houses the paper’s offices.

Act 46 and Greensboro: An Update on our Progress

It’s been several months since the Greensboro and Lakeview Union Districts held a public forum to discuss Act 46. In that time, several developments have taken place.

Greensboro members from the Greensboro School District Board, the Lakeview Union Board, and the Hazen Union Board are active participants in the OSSU Act 46 Study Group, now formally called an Exploratory Committee. Meetings are facilitated by consultant Steve Sanborn, whose work is funded by a $5000 study grant from the state. The committee is currently discussing options including an option for school choice within the supervisory union and transportation issues.

Separate from these meetings Greensboro and Lakeview school board members were also contacted by school board members from Peacham to explore possible ways for our districts, including Stannard, to work together.   Peacham operates a K-6 school like Lakeview, but they offer full choice for grades 7-12. They do not operate a middle or high school. Peacham currently educates approximately 45 students and is deeply committed to retaining its small, community elementary school.

Board members are just as committed to retaining Lakeview for our elementary students and community.

At a June 7 meeting it was very clear that no one present was in favor of placing children on buses for long distances for any grades. Cost, quality of education, retaining control of our budget, and providing equity to all students are important parts of the ongoing discussion.

Board members are continuing their work to find the best options for Greensboro and Stannard students and families. There are several options on the table that they will explore that could satisfy Act 46’s requirements. Actual financial implications for any of these ideas are not available at this time. It is the work of the exploratory committee in conjunction with the consultant to work out those details and then provide that information to the community for feedback.

No decision or change to our current education structure will be made without the approval of the voters of Greensboro.

If you are interested in the Act 46 process, the next OSSU Exploratory Committee meeting is on June 16 at 6:00 PM at the OSSU Central Office in the Daniels Building in Hardwick. Greensboro will host another meeting in the coming weeks to update the community on the committee’s progress and next steps. Minutes of past OSSU exploratory group meetings as well as other information about Act 46 are available at https://www.ossu.org/ossuannouncements/h361.