ZOOM INVITE–Shall we reclassify Greensboro’s lakes?

The Stewards of the Greensboro Watershed have announced a Zoom meeting for this Thursday, April 8 from 3-5pm regarding the possible reclassification of lakes in our area by the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources.  This includes Caspian Lake.  All interested are welcome to attend this meeting and learn more.  Christine Armstrong is one of the Stewards and has provided these details on the meeting:

Shall the Town of Greensboro and its residents begin the process of reclassifying the lake waters in Greensboro in an effort to save them?  Or not?  Can we do it ourselves?  Or not?  What are the pros and cons of teaming with the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources to acknowledge our declining water quality and the risk for further or irreparable decline?  How should we act and move forward?

The Stewards of the Greensboro Watershed invite you to join in with questions and both positive and negative comments for Oliver Pierson, the Lakes and Ponds Program Manager at  Vermont’s Agency of Natural Resources, about the idea for reclassification of Greensboro lakes.  He will present what ‘reclassification’ means; why this is an option for us; what we will get out of it, and what it will ask from us.

3-5 PM April 8, 2021.

 Please share this Zoom invite with any other interested folks and with those who may benefit from the information.      This meeting will be recorded for future viewing opportunities.

Scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: ANR & Stewards of the Greensboro Watershed, Q&A 

Time: Apr 8, 2021 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


Join Zoom Meeting



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Greensboro Police Contract Change Beginning July 1

Following the March meeting of the Greensboro Selectboard, it was announced that the Town of Greensboro has decided to sign a one-year contract with the Orleans County Sheriff’s Department.   This effectively moves general law enforcement services for Greensboro from the Hardwick Police Department to the Orleans County Sheriff’s Department under Sheriff Jennifer Harlow and her deputies beginning July 1, 2021.

As stated by Peter Romans, Chair of the Selectboard, “this decision came after four months of careful deliberation over the contract terms and conditions.  It is in no way a condemnation of the quality of service we received from the Hardwick Police Department and we thank them for their work over the years.”

Numerous meetings and interviews were conducted before a final decision was reached.  All Selectboard members were unanimous in the decision that the Orleans County Sheriff’s Department was the best candidate to provide police services for the town.   The one-year contract represents a cost savings of more than $77,000,  and allows the Selectboard to monitor and receive feedback on quality of police services during and after the transition.  The previous contract with Hardwick was for a three year period.

The Selectboard welcomes your questions and comments at any time.  Contact Peter Romans, Chair, [email protected]; 802-533-2571.  For more details see the Hardwick Gazette. 



Greensboro Free Library Events on Friday, March 5: Chili and a Show!


Join us at 7 pm ONLINE for a Premiere Performance, brought to you by our own Greensboro Kids, produced by Kyle Gray. Tune in at 7 pm to TinyURL.com/GFLKids. This 30-minute show is free and open to the public- both near and far! Donations to the library will support youth programs. To Kyle and the Greensboro Kids- THANK YOU! To those who are able to tune in at 7 PM- ENJOY!

Covid-19 Vaccines: Your Questions Answered

UPDATE:  A recording of this seminar is available on the Greensboro Town Website  www.greensborovt.org. 

Dr. G. Richard Olds will host a zoom webinar on March 15, 2021 at 7:00 to share information about the COVID 19 vaccines. Dr. Olds is a physician, educator and expert on newly emerging infectious diseases. During his 30 year career in medicine, he was the infectious disease fellow at University Hospitals of Cleveland, the founding Director on Brown’s International Health Institute, and currently serves on a WHO expert panel, to name just a few of his many accomplishments. He has been closely involved in the COVID response, both in the US and internationally, and plans to provide an extensive Question and Answer period during the webinar so that he can address your specific questions and concerns.  Dick is the son of Eva and Glenn Olds and he and his family are long time summer residents of Greensboro.   Dr G Richard Olds biography

The ZOOM link for the meeting is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81929424941?pwd=MHJDZC9Sb2VRZXZhODk0WlBmN1VZZz09; passcode: GFL; meeting ID: 819 2942 4941.

This meeting is sponsored by the Greensboro Stannard Emergency Response Team (GSERT).

Greensboro Planning Commission Meeting | February 10

The Greensboro Planning Commission (GPC) is scheduled to hold its next regular monthly business meeting on Wednesday, February 10 at 5:00 p.m. via Zoom. The agenda includes discussion of the Short Term Rental bylaw proposal and the Extended Village Zoning District bylaw proposal. A new draft of the Short Term Rental bylaw was posted on the GPC page on the Town Website on February 4, 2021 under the heading GPC Supplemental Documents for Feb. 10, 2021.

The Zoom link for the February 10 meeting is posted on the GPC page on the Town Website https://www.greensborovt.org/planning-commission/ under the heading GPC Meeting Agendas and Minutes, 2021. Although this is a public meeting, which any interested member of the public may observe, it is not a formal public hearing regarding the foregoing two zoning proposals or any other zoning proposal.

The GPC has not scheduled or warned a formal public hearing on any of its current zoning proposals, and the Greensboro Association will post a notice thereof whenever the GPC does so.

Drafts of the proposed bylaws are posted on the GPC page under the following three headings: (i) GPC Supplemental Documents for Feb. 10, 2021; (ii) GPC Supplemental documents for Jan. 13, 2021; and (iii) GPC Supplemental Documents for Meetings, 2020-2021.

Any member of the public who wishes to submit comments about these zoning proposals should send an email to [email protected]  Public comments on all current zoning proposals (i.e., the Shoreland Protection District, Eligo Lake Resource District, Short Term Rental, and Extended Village District zoning proposals) have been published at the above GPC website page under the subheading Public Comments Regarding Proposed Changes to the Greensboro Zoning Bylaws.

First Quarter Community Relief Fund Update Emergency Grants

The Greensboro Association’s Community Relief Fund has awarded seven pandemic-related emergency grants totaling $8,750 for the first quarter of 2021.  Recipients of the latest grants were Craftsbury Community Care Center, Hardwick Area Food Pantry,  Four Season Early Learning, Greensboro Nursing Home, Craftsbury Saplings, Greensboro Free Library and Wonder Arts.
In keeping with Greensboro Association’s mission ” to support initiatives and organizations that enhance our community”, the Association’s Community Relief Fund has awarded grants totaling $38,750 since March 2020 to local front-line organizations dealing with  pandemic-related health, food, safety and education challenges.
Greensboro Association Community Relief Fund Committee
Becky Arnold
Rick Lovett
John Schweizer

Informational Meetings regarding Town Meeting

Informational Meetings regarding Town Meeting
In order to prepare for this novel town meeting, the selectboard is hosting informational sessions on Zoom. The annual meeting will consist of an Australian ballot, very similar to national or state elections. The traditional in-person meeting will not take place this year. These meetings will include an explanation of the budget and ballot. Questions will be entertained about anything related to the 2021 town meeting.  
Thursday, Jan. 14th at 6:30pm
Tuesday, Jan. 19th at 6:30pm.
Zoom Links can be found here.
Additional information can be found at https://www.greensborovt.org/.


ZONING – GPC Meeting time change for January 13 meeting

The Greensboro Planning Commission (GPC) has moved the start time for their January 13 meeting to 3:30pm EST (not 5pm as previously announced).   The agenda and zoom link for the meeting has been published on the Town website at the following link under the heading “GPC Meeting Agendas and Minutes – 2021”.


This meeting is a working regular meeting of the GPC and is open to the public.  For those who would like to understand the status of GPC’s deliberations and the Vermont State process for review and approval, please see this description.

How does the Town of Greensboro review and approve zoning bylaws?


Four draft zoning proposals are under consideration and have been published on the Town of Greensboro website. https://www.greensborovt.org/planning-commission/

– Short Term Rental Bylaw

– Shoreland Protection District Bylaw (Lakeshore District)

–  Extended Village District Proposal

–  Eligo Resource District Bylaw

More information about these four proposals is available below:

New Greensboro Zoning Proposals You Should Know About

December 19 UPDATE: New Short Term Rental Bylaw Proposal has changed

How Does the Town of Greensboro Review and Approve Zoning Bylaws?

The Greensboro Association has received the following information to clarify the process of reviewing and approving new zoning bylaws in Greensboro.  This information has been prepared for the GA by the zoning administrator for the Town, Brett Stanciu.  Her contact details are below.

Currently, there are four new zoning bylaws being considered – For more information, see our prior posts    New Greensboro Zoning Proposals You Should Know About   and  December 19 Update – New Short Term Rental Bylaw Proposal has changed


January 1, 2021

Dear Greensboro Association Members,

As Greensboro’s Zoning Administrator, I’m reaching out to facilitate communication among interested parties regarding proposed changes to Greensboro’s zoning bylaws. The process to amend Greensboro’s zoning bylaws is a lengthy one, requires a significant period of time to complete, and provides opportunities for everyone to be heard. 

The Greensboro Planning Commission is charged with drafting proposed amendments to the Town’s zoning bylaws, guided by the Greensboro Town Plan. Subcommittees of the Planning Commission are in the process of drafting four proposed amendments. This material is posted on the Planning Commission’s page on the Town’s official website. 

At this date, the Planning Commission has not yet voted upon any of the proposed amendments. The Planning Commission’s next meeting, open to the public and held via Zoom, is scheduled for January 13. After the Planning Commission approves any or all amendments to the bylaws, additional steps in the process are required. These include:

  • The Planning Commission will hold a hearing to gather public input, with a warning at least two weeks in advance. For homeowners who wish to offer their comments, this hearing (which will be held via Zoom) will provide an opportunity for them to do so in person.
  • The Planning Commission may make changes to the proposed amendments and then submit the amendments to the Select Board. If the Select Board votes to approve the amendments, the Select Board will hold a second public hearing (warned at least two weeks in advance) to gather public input. Again, for homeowners who wish to offer their comments, that Select Board public hearing (which will be held online via Zoom) will provide another opportunity to comment.
  • After this public hearing, if the Select Board votes to make significant changes to the amendments, then the Select Board will schedule an additional public hearing. If the Select Board approves the proposed amendments without significant changes, the proposed amendments would then proceed to a town vote.

This process is established by Vermont State Statue §4441 (Preparation of bylaws and regulatory tools; amendment or repeal) and Vermont State Statue §4442 (Adoption of bylaws and related regulatory tools; amendment or repeal).

Additional important information:

  • The dates for the public hearings have not yet been set, since the Planning Commission has not yet approved the proposed amendments.
  • The town website will post agendas, virtual warnings, and supplementary materials when available. Please note that all public hearings require a two-week warning. This information is available at greensborovt.org/planning-commission/.
  • The Planning Commission meets on the second Wednesday of each month. These meetings are open to the public, but these are working meetings and cannot accommodate lengthy public comment. The warned public hearings will be devoted exclusively to public comment. Due to the pandemic, all public hearings will be virtual until further notice.

Last and by no means least, community input is an important part of this process. The Planning Commission has asked me to collect all comments, so please send any written comments to me. I will copy all emails and letters that I receive and distribute those to the Planning Commission members for their review.

Please let me know if you have questions or input regarding this process.

Brett Stanciu, Zoning Administrator
Town of Greensboro
PO Box 119
Greensboro, VT 05843
[email protected]


December 19 UPDATE: New Short Term Rental Bylaw Proposal has changed

The Town of Greensboro’s Planning Commission (GPC) has posted four additional documents on the Town’s official website following our email earlier this week, one of which makes a significant change in the GPC’s proposed Short-Term Rental (STR) bylaw by removing the one week minimum rental period in favor of a new minimum rental period of three nights from June 15th to September 15th for Caspian Lake properties.  All other parts of the STR bylaw (fees, application requirements and DRB submissions) remain substantially the same.

Those four documents (itemized below) are available at https://www.greensborovt.org/planning-commission/ under the heading GPC Supplemental Documents for Meetings 2021.   The Greensboro Association (GA) strongly advises that all members review these documents, as well as those covered by our email of December 17 entitled New Greensboro Zoning Proposals You Should Know About

The GA is advised that the GPC may vote on the proposed new bylaws as early as the GPC’s next scheduled meeting on January 13, 2021 (Wednesday afternoon 3:30 p.m. *NOTE TIME CHANGE*).  That meeting will be held via Zoom and interested members of the public are invited to attend and will be given the opportunity to submit questions and offer comments.

We advise that all GA members take the time to review these new draft zoning proposals promptly and submit comments or concerns in writing to the GPC at [email protected] by January 13, 2021.

The GPC will post the Zoom link for the January 13, 2021 meeting at https://www.greensborovt.org/planning-commission/


The GPC’s four supplemental postings are:

Proposed Short-Term Rental Bylaw, draft, 1.13.2021:  This is a revised draft of the GPC’s proposed new rental bylaw.  It establishes a new minimum rental period of three nights during the period of June 15th to September 15th, and no minimum rental period outside of those dates.  The proposed one-rental-per-week requirement (which would have required a property to remain vacant for the remainder of the week if rented for less than a week) has been dropped.  We expect further revisions to this draft by the GPC.

The Rationale of a Greensboro Short-Term Rental Bylaw 1.13.2021:  This 12-page report carefully notes that it has been prepared by a subcommittee of the GPC “to inform the Greensboro community of [the] rationale for a proposed bylaw to manage short term rentals” and “may not necessarily reflect the unanimous view of the entire” GPC.

Zoning Application for STR, draft, 1.13.21:  This is a draft of the proposed two-page application that property owners would have to complete and submit to the Town in order to obtain a permit to rent their property for short term rentals aggregating more than 14 days total.

State of VT Short-Term Rental Safety, Health and Financial Obligations, 1.13.2021:  This is the State form that property owners would have to complete and submit to the Town (and also post within their property) in order to obtain a permit to rent their property for short term rentals aggregating more than 14 days total.


Please Note:

The Greensboro Association views its role to inform our membership of these potential zoning changes, and to provide contact information if individuals wish to weigh in on the process to the Greensboro Planning Commission.  We do not have a gatekeepers role nor do we wish to vet public comments which properly should be made  directly to the GPC.   Consequently, we have made the decision not to continue to post comments on our site.  We urge anyone who has an opinion, concern or comment (pro or con) regarding the pending draft zoning proposals to express it via email, mail or in person to the GPC using the contact information provided above. Thank you.

New Greensboro Zoning Proposals You Should Know About

The Town of Greensboro’s Planning Commission is proposing that the Town enact four significant new bylaws governing property use in Greensboro.  These four proposed bylaws have recently been posted on the Town’s official website https://www.greensborovt.org/planning-commission/under the subheading “GPC Meeting Supplemental Documents 2020”. The draft bylaws are subject to further revision by the Planning Commission and […]


With holidays approaching and COVID cases rising in Vermont and nationwide, the State of Vermont has issued a mandatory quarantine for anyone traveling into or returning to Vermont.

Governor Scott notes that universal quarantine is particularly critical to observe as we approach the holiday season, as travel and indoor gatherings central to the season are the two biggest contributors to the spread of COVID 19.

The State discourages non-essential travel, and is advocating for virtual holiday celebrations.

Quarantine is defined as 14 days on one’s own property.  If you haven’t had any symptoms of COVID-19, you may also have the option to seek a PCR test on or after Day 7 to end quarantine early with a negative result.

Locally, this means Willey’s and area stores, library and post offices are OFF LIMITS to anyone in quarantine.  The Greensboro Stannard Emergency Response Team will reinstitute the delivery system so successful previously in helping people get supplies and meet needs.

Please note that according to the State Department of Health, the only reliable test is the PCR test, given 5-7 days after exposure, NOT the COVID rapid test.   PCR tests are available locally at Kinney Drug in Morrisville and area pop up sites (more information to be provided as these are established).  Copley Hospital will also administer tests, but only with a doctor’s order.  Turn around time is generally 2-3 days. Any tests taken before arrival in Vermont at this time are not valid reasons to avoid quarantine.

For more detailed information, please refer to the Vermont State Department of Health link provided here:

As always, mask-wearing, social distancing, and hand sanitizing are essential measures to limiting the spread of COVID-19.   May we all stay safe, and have a healthy holiday season.

Halloween Magic Happens!

Just a couple days into Greensboro’s first snowfall, its hard to believe so many of us were so recently strolling up and down Breezy Avenue in a variety of colorful costumes, trick or treating at well decorated locations along the way.  Spirits were high, and buoyed by live music, roving artists, and the creativity of neighbors, many gathered on the Village Green to have their fortunes told, then spilled into Fellowship Hall for hot drinks, grilled cheese sandwiches, and a bit of community warmth.

Many thanks to Modern Times Theatre for their organizational skills and vision, along with support from the Greensboro United Church, Greensboro Free Library, Highland Center for the Arts, WonderArts, Spark, Circus Smirkus, Bread and Puppet Theatre, Hazen Union Arts Academy and the Greensboro Association.

This was one event where masks, while required, were definitely part of the fun!











Virtual Public Meeting Video Available: Greensboro Watershed Water Quality Trends, Fish Biology Trends, & Opportunities for Increased Protection of Public Waters

The Stewards of the Greensboro Watershed and the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation held a virtual public meeting on August 24 to discuss water quality trends in Vermont’s water bodies in the Greensboro Watershed, including Caspian Lake, Lake Elligo, and Long Pond, and discuss opportunities to increase protection of these high-quality waters.  The recording of this meeting is available here:

Recording of Greensboro Watershed Status Public Meeting

Halloween Celebration in Greensboro

All are welcome to join the “Hafta-have-a-Halloween Festival” in Greensboro Village, Saturday, October 31st, from 4-6pm.
Modern Times Theater is working with area organizations and individuals to create a fun, safe, outdoor event for the whole family. In addition to trick-or-treating and hot food offered by the Greensboro United Church, there will be art activities, roving performances, exhibits, music, and a real blue moon!
The event is free, but donations are welcome.
Participating groups include: the Greensboro Free Library, the Highland Center for the Arts, WonderArts, Spark, Circus Smirkus, Bread and Puppet Theater, and the Hazen Union Arts Academy.
This event is supported in part by the Greensboro Association
All attendees are asked to follow the state safety guidelines: stay home if you’re sick, maintain distance from others, and wear a mask.
For more info: [email protected]

High Speed Internet Connectivity in Greensboro

The Town of Greensboro Planning Commission has asked us to distribute the following survey to our membership. High-Speed internet connectivity is the subject of intensive effort in the area through a consortium of users called NEK Community Broadband. Internet connectivity was one of the top things that Greensboro residents identified as something they wanted to improve through the USDA community grant initiative that we went through last winter and spring. This survey includes an assessment of your current connection speed as well as a few questions to assess overall interest and need. The quality of the survey increases with the number of people who participate, so please respond. All seasonal and year-round residents are invited to participate.
You can participate by clicking on the following link (or copying and pasting into your browser) – http://nek.tilsontech.com/
TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE! Please fill out the survey by September 25.
NEK Community Broadband (www.nekbroadband.org) is a Communications Union District (CUD) working to provide every E911 business and residential address in 31 towns in Northern Vermont with access to a minimum speed of 100 Mbps, symmetrical, at an affordable price. The goal is to ultimately get every home and business connected to a fiber-optic network. NEK Broadband will use wireless as an interim solution to get as many addresses connected as soon as possible.
What does 100mb/sec symmetrical mean? 
Symmetrical connections offer the same upload and download speeds.  So if you were to subscribe to a 100mb/sec symmetrical plan, you would be able to download and upload at that speed simultaneously.  Basically, it means your data travels at the same speeds in either direction. Your download and upload speeds are equal, and you can do the two simultaneously equally fast. The higher the number the faster your data travels. For example, a single user with 100 Mbps internet speed will be able to stream Netflix, YouTube TV, Hulu, and other streaming services. It’s also enough for downloading HD video and photos, participating in a Zoom call and doing basic internet stuff like surfing the web and checking email.
What is your current internet speed?
You can find out your internet speed on a smartphone or computer by downloading an app or visiting a speed test online. The speed test result will give you download and upload numbers. The lower the number the slower your internet experience will be. An easy online speed test may be found at:  https://www.speedtest.net/

Gratitude to Our Community and Visitors

At Monday’s Greensboro Emergency Response Team meeting, Town Health Officer Carl Stein reported that the Greensboro area did not see the anticipated spike in COVID cases following either of the major summer holiday weekends.

This good news was attributed to the excellent communication efforts of GERT, and particularly to the diligence of summer residents and out of state visitors in adhering to the protective guidelines outlined by the State of Vermont.

Committee member Tim Nesbit noted an increase in lights around the lake since as early as March and April, yet careful and caring residents have been “playing by the rules,” to the benefit of everyone.  Communications—early and often—by organized entities like GERT have made it easy for people to have the information necessary to ensure the health and well-being of this community.

With spikes occurring in states across the country, the collaborative effort seen here is a testament to what’s required to manage this pandemic.  Many thanks to our responsive and responsible town—lets keep up the good work!

Lake Health and Links to Resources From the Greensboro Annual Meeting

During the Greensboro Association Annual meeting on Thursday August 6, these links were shared which are resources for lake health and care.   Thank you to the Lakewise Organization, as well as Christine Armstrong for sharing them.  For more information about the programs on Caspian Lake, please see this article on the Greensboro Association Website.






The 2020 GA Annual Meeting will be held August 6 at 4pm

The 2020 Annual Meeting for the Greensboro Association will be held on August 6 at 4:00 pm.   We sincerely hope many of our members will be able to attend to hear about the great work of the GA in this unusual year.

This meeting will occur electronically via ZOOM. Please refer to the email from the GA with the Zoom link. If you have misplaced or deleted that email please email [email protected] and we will send the link. You will be able to access the meeting via internet or phone. Information about How to access a Zoom meeting can be found HERE.

Documents for the meeting are available at the links below.

GA Annual Meeting Agenda Aug 6 2020

ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES FROM 2019 (FOR APPROVAL) https://www.greensboroassociation.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/2019-8-8-GA-Annual-Meeting-MinutesUnapproved.docx

NOMINATIONS SLATE (FOR APPROVAL)  https://www.greensboroassociation.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/2020-GA-Nominations-Committee-Report-.pdf

2019-20 FINANCIAL RESULTS AND PROPOSED BUDGET https://www.greensboroassociation.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/GATreasReport-2020-Finalwithbudget.pdf

2020-21 COMMITTEE REPORTS  https://www.greensboroassociation.org/resources/reports/


HOW DO I ACCESS A ZOOM MEETING?  https://www.greensboroassociation.org/how-do-i-access-a-zoom-meeting/


Cross State Travel Information for Visitors to Vermont and Mandatory Mask Order (as of July 31, 2020)