With holidays approaching and COVID cases rising in Vermont and nationwide, the State of Vermont has issued a mandatory quarantine for anyone traveling into or returning to Vermont.

Governor Scott notes that universal quarantine is particularly critical to observe as we approach the holiday season, as travel and indoor gatherings central to the season are the two biggest contributors to the spread of COVID 19.

The State discourages non-essential travel, and is advocating for virtual holiday celebrations.

Quarantine is defined as 14 days on one’s own property.  If you haven’t had any symptoms of COVID-19, you may also have the option to seek a PCR test on or after Day 7 to end quarantine early with a negative result.

Locally, this means Willey’s and area stores, library and post offices are OFF LIMITS to anyone in quarantine.  The Greensboro Stannard Emergency Response Team will reinstitute the delivery system so successful previously in helping people get supplies and meet needs.

Please note that according to the State Department of Health, the only reliable test is the PCR test, given 5-7 days after exposure, NOT the COVID rapid test.   PCR tests are available locally at Kinney Drug in Morrisville and area pop up sites (more information to be provided as these are established).  Copley Hospital will also administer tests, but only with a doctor’s order.  Turn around time is generally 2-3 days. Any tests taken before arrival in Vermont at this time are not valid reasons to avoid quarantine.

For more detailed information, please refer to the Vermont State Department of Health link provided here:

As always, mask-wearing, social distancing, and hand sanitizing are essential measures to limiting the spread of COVID-19.   May we all stay safe, and have a healthy holiday season.

Halloween Magic Happens!

Just a couple days into Greensboro’s first snowfall, its hard to believe so many of us were so recently strolling up and down Breezy Avenue in a variety of colorful costumes, trick or treating at well decorated locations along the way.  Spirits were high, and buoyed by live music, roving artists, and the creativity of neighbors, many gathered on the Village Green to have their fortunes told, then spilled into Fellowship Hall for hot drinks, grilled cheese sandwiches, and a bit of community warmth.

Many thanks to Modern Times Theatre for their organizational skills and vision, along with support from the Greensboro United Church, Greensboro Free Library, Highland Center for the Arts, WonderArts, Spark, Circus Smirkus, Bread and Puppet Theatre, Hazen Union Arts Academy and the Greensboro Association.

This was one event where masks, while required, were definitely part of the fun!











Virtual Public Meeting Video Available: Greensboro Watershed Water Quality Trends, Fish Biology Trends, & Opportunities for Increased Protection of Public Waters

The Stewards of the Greensboro Watershed and the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation held a virtual public meeting on August 24 to discuss water quality trends in Vermont’s water bodies in the Greensboro Watershed, including Caspian Lake, Lake Elligo, and Long Pond, and discuss opportunities to increase protection of these high-quality waters.  The recording of this meeting is available here:

Recording of Greensboro Watershed Status Public Meeting

Halloween Celebration in Greensboro

All are welcome to join the “Hafta-have-a-Halloween Festival” in Greensboro Village, Saturday, October 31st, from 4-6pm.
Modern Times Theater is working with area organizations and individuals to create a fun, safe, outdoor event for the whole family. In addition to trick-or-treating and hot food offered by the Greensboro United Church, there will be art activities, roving performances, exhibits, music, and a real blue moon!
The event is free, but donations are welcome.
Participating groups include: the Greensboro Free Library, the Highland Center for the Arts, WonderArts, Spark, Circus Smirkus, Bread and Puppet Theater, and the Hazen Union Arts Academy.
This event is supported in part by the Greensboro Association
All attendees are asked to follow the state safety guidelines: stay home if you’re sick, maintain distance from others, and wear a mask.
For more info: [email protected]

High Speed Internet Connectivity in Greensboro

The Town of Greensboro Planning Commission has asked us to distribute the following survey to our membership. High-Speed internet connectivity is the subject of intensive effort in the area through a consortium of users called NEK Community Broadband. Internet connectivity was one of the top things that Greensboro residents identified as something they wanted to improve through the USDA community grant initiative that we went through last winter and spring. This survey includes an assessment of your current connection speed as well as a few questions to assess overall interest and need. The quality of the survey increases with the number of people who participate, so please respond. All seasonal and year-round residents are invited to participate.
You can participate by clicking on the following link (or copying and pasting into your browser) – http://nek.tilsontech.com/
TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE! Please fill out the survey by September 25.
NEK Community Broadband (www.nekbroadband.org) is a Communications Union District (CUD) working to provide every E911 business and residential address in 31 towns in Northern Vermont with access to a minimum speed of 100 Mbps, symmetrical, at an affordable price. The goal is to ultimately get every home and business connected to a fiber-optic network. NEK Broadband will use wireless as an interim solution to get as many addresses connected as soon as possible.
What does 100mb/sec symmetrical mean? 
Symmetrical connections offer the same upload and download speeds.  So if you were to subscribe to a 100mb/sec symmetrical plan, you would be able to download and upload at that speed simultaneously.  Basically, it means your data travels at the same speeds in either direction. Your download and upload speeds are equal, and you can do the two simultaneously equally fast. The higher the number the faster your data travels. For example, a single user with 100 Mbps internet speed will be able to stream Netflix, YouTube TV, Hulu, and other streaming services. It’s also enough for downloading HD video and photos, participating in a Zoom call and doing basic internet stuff like surfing the web and checking email.
What is your current internet speed?
You can find out your internet speed on a smartphone or computer by downloading an app or visiting a speed test online. The speed test result will give you download and upload numbers. The lower the number the slower your internet experience will be. An easy online speed test may be found at:  https://www.speedtest.net/

Gratitude to Our Community and Visitors

At Monday’s Greensboro Emergency Response Team meeting, Town Health Officer Carl Stein reported that the Greensboro area did not see the anticipated spike in COVID cases following either of the major summer holiday weekends.

This good news was attributed to the excellent communication efforts of GERT, and particularly to the diligence of summer residents and out of state visitors in adhering to the protective guidelines outlined by the State of Vermont.

Committee member Tim Nesbit noted an increase in lights around the lake since as early as March and April, yet careful and caring residents have been “playing by the rules,” to the benefit of everyone.  Communications—early and often—by organized entities like GERT have made it easy for people to have the information necessary to ensure the health and well-being of this community.

With spikes occurring in states across the country, the collaborative effort seen here is a testament to what’s required to manage this pandemic.  Many thanks to our responsive and responsible town—lets keep up the good work!

Lake Health and Links to Resources From the Greensboro Annual Meeting

During the Greensboro Association Annual meeting on Thursday August 6, these links were shared which are resources for lake health and care.   Thank you to the Lakewise Organization, as well as Christine Armstrong for sharing them.  For more information about the programs on Caspian Lake, please see this article on the Greensboro Association Website.






The 2020 GA Annual Meeting will be held August 6 at 4pm

The 2020 Annual Meeting for the Greensboro Association will be held on August 6 at 4:00 pm.   We sincerely hope many of our members will be able to attend to hear about the great work of the GA in this unusual year.

This meeting will occur electronically via ZOOM. Please refer to the email from the GA with the Zoom link. If you have misplaced or deleted that email please email [email protected] and we will send the link. You will be able to access the meeting via internet or phone. Information about How to access a Zoom meeting can be found HERE.

Documents for the meeting are available at the links below.

GA Annual Meeting Agenda Aug 6 2020

ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES FROM 2019 (FOR APPROVAL) https://www.greensboroassociation.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/2019-8-8-GA-Annual-Meeting-MinutesUnapproved.docx

NOMINATIONS SLATE (FOR APPROVAL)  https://www.greensboroassociation.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/2020-GA-Nominations-Committee-Report-.pdf

2019-20 FINANCIAL RESULTS AND PROPOSED BUDGET https://www.greensboroassociation.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/GATreasReport-2020-Finalwithbudget.pdf

2020-21 COMMITTEE REPORTS  https://www.greensboroassociation.org/resources/reports/


HOW DO I ACCESS A ZOOM MEETING?  https://www.greensboroassociation.org/how-do-i-access-a-zoom-meeting/


Cross State Travel Information for Visitors to Vermont and Mandatory Mask Order (as of July 31, 2020)

Self-Guided History Explorer Walk in Greensboro Village

Looking for a fun, interesting activity this summer?  Take the self-guided History Explorer Walk in Greensboro Village or Greensboro Bend.  Children and adults alike are invited to explore a bit of  Greensboro’s history with a fun, self-guided walk through the village sponsored by the Greensboro Historical Society & Greensboro Free Library.  Pick up a map with a questionnaire on the back at the Greensboro Free Library, the Greensboro Historical Society, at Smith’s Store or print out at home from one of our websites,

(https://www.greensborofreelibrary.org/ or https://www.greensborohistoricalsociety.org/.

It’s a great walk, with some surprising information and there are even prizes for answering questions.  Follow the numbered designations to each historic location where you can read the history and answer the questionnaire, if you wish, to receive a free volume of the history of Greensboro. (Take sheets to the library to receive book.) Find photos of the first town hall or the Caspian Lake House in Greensboro Village, or the workers at the first sawmill in Greensboro Bend. The walk will be posted from July 15 – Labor Day.

Much of the information came from the booklet “An Architectural Walking Tour of Greensboro, VT” prepared by GHS in 2001. Copies of that booklet are available to check out from the GFL or for sale on the GHS website or purchased at the GHS museum on a Saturday morning 10 – 1.–

GA’s Community Relief Fund Matching Grant:  Help Rhodes Reach the Finish Line!

We are nearly there!  Thanks to the generosity of caring contributors, the matching grant for the Greensboro Association’s Community Relief Fund is very close to reaching its goal.  Initiated by 8th grade summer resident Rhodes Boester and supported by a generous anonymous donor, this grant will match up to $10,000 of funds raised by July 31st.

With just over a week left, now’s the time to make a donation of any size, and the impact of your gift will be doubled.

The Community Relief Fund is making monthly distributions to organizations best positioned to meet emergency needs.  Initial support has been targeted toward food, medical supplies, and personal protective gear necessary for first responders.   We are committed to providing critical support throughout the coming year, so every dollar raised matters!

Donations can be made through the Greensboro Association website (www.greensboroassociation.org), or by personal check (mail to GA, Community Relief Fund, PO Box 59, Greensboro, VT, 05841).

For more information about the Fund and the matching grant, read what Rhodes himself has to say:


My name is Rhodes Boester, and I am in eighth grade. I live in Rye, NY with my parents and two brothers. During my time at home during this pandemic, I began to think of ways to help people in the Greensboro Community impacted by the Covid-19 epidemic. I spent some time looking at organizations that help those hit hard during these times. One group and cause stood out to me: The Greensboro Association Community Relief Fund. I chose it for many reasons. First, I have spent a lot of time in Greensboro throughout my life, and know how special the community really is. Secondly, it is a small organization, and is likely to not have the resources to help people as large charitable organizations have. There are many small businesses and people who are struggling to make ends meet, and this group is helping them. Please consider a donation, however big or small, to this organization. There are two ways to donate: Either send a check to Greensboro Association, Community Relief Fund, PO Box 59, Greensboro VT. 05841, or visit their website (https://www.greensboroassociation.org/covid/). An anonymous donor will match all donations, up to a sum of $10,000. When donating, mention my name to have your donation matched.

Thank you,

Rhodes Boester

You can find out more about the Greensboro Association Community Relief fund at this link.   The GA Covid-19 Community Relief Fund.  

Help The Hardwick Gazette – subscribe today!

As your thoughts turn to Greensboro this summer, please consider subscribing to the Hardwick Gazette.   Our local paper, in existence since 1889, is struggling with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
As you may be aware, many local news outlets like The Hardwick Gazette are grappling with the loss of ad revenue and over the counter paper sales. The Gazette has been able to keep news flowing by suspending the print version of the paper for now, and by focusing on a new and improved electronic edition which is now delivered to your email mailbox every Wednesday morning.   However, they need subscribers to survive.
Circulation-wise, the Gazette has just over 750 digital subscribers.  They have set a goal to increase subscriptions to 1,000 subscribers by Labor Day.
You can help!    Please consider subscribing to the Gazette (six-month subscription for $25, annual subscription of $45.)  Subscriptions are available at The Hardwick Gazette website
Each person makes a difference!

July 1 post from the Town of Greensboro and the GERT about July 4th weekend

We have been asked to post this by the Town of Greensboro and the Greensboro/Stannard Emergency Response Team.   For additional posts, go to the Town website at www.greensborovt.org.

July 1, 2020

Dear Greensboro Neighbors and Guests,

July 4th weekend may be the most popular time of year for families to gather together here in the NEK. The Emergency Response Team would like to take a moment to refresh folks’ understanding of Vermont COVID-19 protocols for new arrivals into the Greensboro/Stannard community–both those who briefly leave VT, then return; and those arriving for the first time.

*** Absence of symptoms does not mean absence of infection. Treat everyone as if you and they are infected. 6-8 feet apart, masks, hand hygiene. ***

State protocols for new arrivals into Vermont give travelers 3 options:

  1. Vermont’s county-by-county quarantine-free travel policy allows quarantine-free direct travel to and from designated counties with fewer than 400 active cases of COVID-19 per one million residents in New England, New York, Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington, DC, and West Virginia, only if traveling in a personal vehicle with no stops on the way.
  2. Vermonters and visitors traveling to and from counties where there is higher infection and all other states not listed above, must be quarantined (14 days or 7 days with a negative test result) either in VT or in their home state before driving to VT, non-stop, in a personal vehicle.
  3. Any travel into VT via any method other than a non-stop personal vehicle requires quarantine in Vermont–14 days or 7 days followed by a negative test result.

Testing details:

  • Date of arrival in VT is Day 0.
  • The nearest pop-up COVID-19 test sites are in Hyde Park, St. Johnsbury, Newport, or Barre. Register here: Vermont Pop-Up Testing. If the site is full, go as a walk in. No one is being turned away. Please do not travel far. Find a site that is close and near the date you want to be tested and go in as a walk in even if you have not registered online.
  • It is best not to be tested before 7 days of quarantine. Viral load in the nasal cavity is not detectable before day 3. It increases daily with its peak on Day 7 delivering the most accurate results.
  • Positive results will be communicated within 48 hours. If no call is received after 48 hours, assume a negative test and the quarantine period is complete. Written results are returned within 5 days.
  • If you have symptoms you must be referred through a Vermont health care provider. If you do not have a local provider, call Copley Hospital (888-8888) for a testing referral.

Did your family member leave Greensboro and return? The guidelines state that people hosting travelers do not need to quarantine. When travelers to Vermont who are under quarantine are staying with others in a home or lodging, the people hosting those travelers do not need to quarantine. If they are sharing space with others, people who are under quarantine should stay at least six feet from the people they are sharing the space with and are advised to wear a mask. Disinfect commonly touched surfaces. People in the same household should check themselves for symptoms (self-observation) for 14 days. But because this is a community of elders, we ask for a voluntary extra step–that hosts refrain from circulating in the community and quarantine together.  Risk exists.

Anyone coming to Vermont is strongly encouraged to sign up for a daily symptom check reminder called Sara Alert. It is not a contact tracing system. For more information about how to quarantine, visit the Vermont Department of Health’s quarantine chart.

If you have questions, please call Karl Stein, Greensboro Town Health Officer, at 533-2379 or Christine Armstrong, Greensboro Deputy Health Officer, at 802-363-8500.

Together, we have acted mindfully and intelligently in our approach to COVID-19 both as a state and as a small community. That can’t stop now. The Emergency Response Team will continue to support Greensboro and Stannard as we all carry on, together.



Please help Rhodes meet his goal in support of the Greensboro Community Relief Fund. 

We are very close!
Rhodes Boester, an 8th grade summer resident, has teamed with a generous anonymous donor who has offered to match gifts to the Greensboro Community Relief Fund to a sum of $10,000, through July 31.  We are three quarters to goal.  Monthly distributions are being made from the Fund to organizations best positioned to meet emergency needs.  We are resolved to provide critical support through the year.  If you are considering a gift at this time, your gift will be put to good use, with our thanks.
Let Rhodes explain in his own words –


My name is Rhodes Boester, and I am in eighth grade. I live in Rye, NY with my parents and two brothers. During my time at home during this pandemic, I began to think of ways to help people in the Greensboro Community impacted by the Covid-19 epidemic. I spent some time looking at organizations that help those hit hard during these times. One group and cause stood out to me: The Greensboro Association Community Relief Fund. I chose it for many reasons. First, I have spent a lot of time in Greensboro throughout my life, and know how special the community really is. Secondly, it is a small organization, and is likely to not have the resources to help people as large charitable organizations have. There are many small businesses and people who are struggling to make ends meet, and this group is helping them. Please consider a donation, however big or small, to this organization. There are two ways to donate: Either send a check to Greensboro Association, Community Relief Fund, PO Box 59, Greensboro VT. 05841, or visit their website (https://www.greensboroassociation.org/covid/). An anonymous donor will match all donations, up to a sum of $10,000. When donating, mention my name to have your donation matched. 

Thank you,

Rhodes Boester

You can find out more about the Greensboro Association Community Relief fund at this link.   The GA Covid-19 Community Relief Fund.  

The 2020-21 Greensboro Association Directory is now available at Willey’s Store

The new Directory of Members of the Greensboro Association is available at Willey’s Store.   Ask for it as part of your phone and online orders to the store, or look for it on the shelves.

If you do not plan to be in Greensboro this summer you can purchase a copy of the directory and we will send it to you via mail.  Please CLICK HERE if you would like to order a directory.




Funky Fourth festivities cancelled – fireworks will be July 3

Due to Covid-19 restrictions, the Town of Greensboro has decided to cancel the traditional Funky Fourth parade and carnival in honor of Independence Day.   The fireworks will go on as planned on July 3.

New Guidance on Quarantine as of June 15, 2020

The State has announced an additional change in quarantine requirements for travelers to Vermont.

 Starting June 15, travelers will have the option to:

  • Quarantine in their home state for 14 days before coming to Vermont if driving in personal vehicle,  and making no stops along the way OR
  • Quarantine at a Vermont lodging establishment for 14 days if making stops along the way or traveling by plane, train, bus or other means of transportation.”

The Greensboro Association directory and a 1915 listing of camp owners around Lake Caspian

Following on in a proud tradition, the 2020-21 Greensboro Directory will be printed and available for purchase at Willey’s Store in July.

Since 1954, the Greensboro Association has published a directory of members, following the lead of the first directory published by William P. Kelly in 1942.  However, thanks to Janet Patterson we have an interesting listing of the residents and owners of Greensboro lake camps published in 1915 by the St. Johnsbury Caledonian Record.

St J Caledonian Aug 18 2015 p12

St J Caledonian Aug 18 2015 p13

St J Caledonian Aug 18 2015 p14

There is also a very interesting page about Greensboro itself in this issue

St J Caledonian Aug 18 2015 p11

In 2019, 104 years after the Caledonian Record was published, the GA directory was made available online to our members as well.   To access the directory and make changes in your record go to the member directory tab on the top right of the home page of the Greensboro Association website.

The Greensboro Association Annual Meeting will be held on August 6 at 4pm

The Greensboro Association will hold its Annual meeting in 2020 on August 6 at 4pm.   More information will be available regarding the location and the program closer to the date.

Caspian Lake shorefront owners invited to participate in Vermont Lake Wise Program this summer

The Greater Greensboro Watershed Committee and the Orleans County Natural Resources Conservation District would like to invite interested Caspian Lake shoreland owners to participate in the Vermont Lake Wise Program this summer! The Lake Wise Program is a Vermont Agency of Natural Resources initiative that awards lake-friendly shoreland properties, both public and private. The program offers free technical assistance to lake shoreland owners who would like to learn more about how to make their property as lake-friendly as possible.

According to the Department of Environmental Conservation Lake Score Card for Caspian, spring total phosphorus and summer total phosphorus trends are “significantly increasing” and “highly significantly increasing” respectively. Phosphorus pollution can result in algal blooms that are harmful to animals and people, and can decrease the economic, ecological, and recreational value of the lake. Caught early, intervention may stop or slow down this trend.

Lake shoreland owners have an important role to play in reducing shoreland erosion, improving lakeshore habitat, and keeping Caspian Lake clean. If you choose to participate, Lake Wise evaluators will spend up to an hour and a half assessing each property and providing technical advice in four categories – shorefront, recreation area, driveway, and structures and septic. If the property passes in all four categories, it will receive the Lake Wise Award sign. If the property does not pass, a detailed evaluation is provided to the landowner with recommendations on how to become Lake Wise certified in the future. Lake Wise is a voluntary program, and the recommendations are suggested, not mandated. Common recommendations include rain gardens, water bars, establishing no-mow zones, planting lakeshore vegetation, and establishing pathways.

If you are interested in a free assessment this summer, please contact Emily Finnegan at the Orleans County Natural Resources Conservation District – [email protected] or 802-624-7022. For more information about the Lake Wise program, please see the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation website – https://dec.vermont.gov/watershed/lakes-ponds/lakeshores-lake-wise.
An example evaluation form is also available here – https://dec.vermont.gov/sites/dec/files/wsm/lakes/Lakewise/docs/lp_evaluationforms.pdf.
Finally, the DEC Lake Scorecards can be found here – https://dec.vermont.gov/watershed/lakes-ponds/data-maps/scorecard.