Entries by The Greensboro Association

Notice of 2021 Annual Meeting of the Greensboro Association

The 2021 Annual Meeting of the Greensboro Association will be held on Thursday, August 5th at 4:00pm in Fellowship Hall at the United Church of Christ in Greensboro, VT.  All members of the Association are invited and encouraged to attend.    The Agenda for the meeting will be distributed prior to the meeting.  At the meeting, our […]

The Federation of Vermont Lakes and Ponds announces a seminar on “Phosphorus Pollution – A High Stakes Watershed Issue”

The Federation of Vermont Lakes and Ponds is pleased to announce that online registration for the 2021 virtual, online, and FREE Lake Seminar, scheduled for Friday, June 4, is now open.  The theme and title for this year’s seminar is “Phosphorus Pollution – A High Stakes Watershed Issue.” Because this year’s seminar is going virtual, […]

ZOOM INVITE–Shall we reclassify Greensboro’s lakes?

The Stewards of the Greensboro Watershed have announced a Zoom meeting for this Thursday, April 8 from 3-5pm regarding the possible reclassification of lakes in our area by the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources.  This includes Caspian Lake.  All interested are welcome to attend this meeting and learn more.  Christine Armstrong is one of the […]

Covid-19 Vaccines: Your Questions Answered

UPDATE:  A recording of this seminar is available on the Greensboro Town Website  www.greensborovt.org.  Dr. G. Richard Olds will host a zoom webinar on March 15, 2021 at 7:00 to share information about the COVID 19 vaccines. Dr. Olds is a physician, educator and expert on newly emerging infectious diseases. During his 30 year career […]

ZONING – GPC Meeting time change for January 13 meeting

The Greensboro Planning Commission (GPC) has moved the start time for their January 13 meeting to 3:30pm EST (not 5pm as previously announced).   The agenda and zoom link for the meeting has been published on the Town website at the following link under the heading “GPC Meeting Agendas and Minutes – 2021”. https://www.greensborovt.org/planning-commission/ This […]

New Greensboro Zoning Proposals You Should Know About

The Town of Greensboro’s Planning Commission is proposing that the Town enact four significant new bylaws governing property use in Greensboro.  These four proposed bylaws have recently been posted on the Town’s official website https://www.greensborovt.org/planning-commission/under the subheading “GPC Meeting Supplemental Documents 2020”. The draft bylaws are subject to further revision by the Planning Commission and […]

Halloween Celebration in Greensboro

All are welcome to join the “Hafta-have-a-Halloween Festival” in Greensboro Village, Saturday, October 31st, from 4-6pm. Modern Times Theater is working with area organizations and individuals to create a fun, safe, outdoor event for the whole family. In addition to trick-or-treating and hot food offered by the Greensboro United Church, there will be art activities, […]

Gratitude to Our Community and Visitors

At Monday’s Greensboro Emergency Response Team meeting, Town Health Officer Carl Stein reported that the Greensboro area did not see the anticipated spike in COVID cases following either of the major summer holiday weekends. This good news was attributed to the excellent communication efforts of GERT, and particularly to the diligence of summer residents and […]

Lake Health and Links to Resources From the Greensboro Annual Meeting

During the Greensboro Association Annual meeting on Thursday August 6, these links were shared which are resources for lake health and care.   Thank you to the Lakewise Organization, as well as Christine Armstrong for sharing them.  For more information about the programs on Caspian Lake, please see this article on the Greensboro Association Website. https://dec.vermont.gov/sites/dec/files/wsm/lakes/Lakewise/docs/lp_VermontLakeWiseNativePlantList.pdf […]

Self-Guided History Explorer Walk in Greensboro Village

Looking for a fun, interesting activity this summer?  Take the self-guided History Explorer Walk in Greensboro Village or Greensboro Bend.  Children and adults alike are invited to explore a bit of  Greensboro’s history with a fun, self-guided walk through the village sponsored by the Greensboro Historical Society & Greensboro Free Library.  Pick up a map with a questionnaire on the back at the Greensboro Free Library, the Greensboro Historical Society, at […]

Help The Hardwick Gazette – subscribe today!

As your thoughts turn to Greensboro this summer, please consider subscribing to the Hardwick Gazette.   Our local paper, in existence since 1889, is struggling with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. As you may be aware, many local news outlets like The Hardwick Gazette are grappling with the loss of ad revenue and over the […]

New Guidance on Quarantine as of June 15, 2020

The State has announced an additional change in quarantine requirements for travelers to Vermont. “ Starting June 15, travelers will have the option to: Quarantine in their home state for 14 days before coming to Vermont if driving in personal vehicle,  and making no stops along the way OR Quarantine at a Vermont lodging establishment for […]